Question about Jesus...

Is it okay to release a movie showing graphic kiddie rape, just because it's based on a true story? No, it's not.

What was depicted in this film is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as lots of films previously. Not even close to the amount of gore or violence. And to compare it to the level of kiddy rape? Dear god.

EDIT: Now... films of actual deaths and stuff, I think goes too far, but there are LOADS of people on these forums who ENJOY watching such things, and think they are hilarious!
iamaelephant said:
First of all, I don't care for religion. I'm not a religious man and I think the whole idea is ridiculous, but that's not what this is about. I just finished watching The Passion of the Christ (which is a disgusting movie that should never have been allowed, nothing but a snuff film), and I'm just curious where the name Jesus Christ came from. Throughout the movie he was referred to as Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Lord, King of the Jews, Son of God, Son of Men but never was the word Christ mentioned. So where does the name Christ come from?

It's very simple. At his birth, there was this guy, he bumped his head against the ceiling real hard and yelled "JESUS CHRIST!" and his parents (a virgin mother... right!) were like "hey that's a pretty cool name, let's name him that!".
PvtRyan said:
It's very simple. At his birth, there was this guy, he bumped his head against the ceiling real hard and yelled "JESUS CHRIST!" and his parents (a virgin mother... right!) were like "hey that's a pretty cool name, let's name him that!".
Why didn't they put that in the bible...? :rolleyes:
As for "European artistic drivel," what on earth are you talking about? The movie was overly violent and isn't the type of thing that should be released to mainstream media, in my opinion.

The European Artistic Drivel, y'know?

The Sweet, Pert-Plus Homosexual jesus you see in the paintings? Yea, that.
iamaelephant said:
I know the movie only depicted recorded history, and is probably what really happened, but how does that make it okay to film such horrible violence? Is it okay to release a movie showing graphic kiddie rape, just because it's based on a true story? No, it's not.

As for the censorship issue, I do believe that there are some things out there that need to be censored. It's my opinion and i'm fully entitled to it.

Fool, you knew going into the movie that their would be violence, it isn't rated R for no reason. It is not up to YOU whether or not the amount of violence in a movie is acceptable. But who knows, Braveheart is pretty violent, I don't think a movie of that nature should be released. :rolleyes:
NapalmAndFriends said:
Fanatic idiot. I think this is the same sort of person who opposes gay marriage. I have never been told of for saying or yelling "Oh my God". Ever.

WTF is that supposed to mean? That is the most sickening thing I have ever heard. You should be sent to hell.

And how the hell can you think "Christ" was a surname? They didn't have surnames back then! His surname would be 'of Nazerus' (sp?).

I saw the movie, and I thought it was bloody. But Mel Gibson was just trying to prove a point, and point which many people took very seriously.
Could God make a stone so heavy that he himself cannot lift it?
Could God make a stone so heavy that he himself cannot lift it? I told this to my Christan Studies teacher and so couldn't answer it...

Was the Christian studies teacher god?
His real name is Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus Christ is what the Christians call him. Christ means (i think in hebrew) savior.
Mr-Fusion said:
It was a fairly lame film. Once you get past the gore and guts it just feels very shallow. Jim looked so fake in that ridiculous gore suit i couldn't take the whippings seriously. I love Braveheart but the passion just didn't do it for me. A lot of those scenes that reminisce seemed incredibly crappy, except the Mary Magdalene scene (JESUS' WIFE !!! )

Oh, it's not meant to be an entertainment movie. It's meant to give a message to people.

And I believe that Christ means Messiah which also translates to savior.

The people who think it's a gore fest need to realise he depicted the movie as best he could to get the message across. It's not about making a fairy 1 hour and 30 min thing that people can sit down with a drink and popcorn, relax, and have a grand old time with. The Bible says He was crushed for our transgressions. He was beaten beyond human recognition.

Isaiah 52:14 "Just as there were many who were appalled at him - his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness-"

It was probably worse than what Mel showed. His beard was torn and ripped by the handfull out of his face, most likely taking large parts of flesh along which I don't remember in Mel's movie.

Also, I thought a movie like Gladiator or Braveheart were more violent. There are things in Gladiator and Braveheart that the Passion doesn't even come close to, like a bludgeoning of a live man's head or dismemberment. So why is there such a huge "OH IT"S SO GORAY" uproar when there are things just as gory or bloody and no one says a peep?
Also, I thought a movie like Gladiator or Braveheart were more violent. There are things in Gladiator and Braveheart that the Passion doesn't even come close to, like a bludgeoning of a live man's head or dismemberment. So why is there such a huge "OH IT"S SO GORAY" uproar when there are things just as gory or bloody and no one says a peep?

Just because they're offended by the religious content. I mean, they have no problem with being open minded to everything else... but when it comes to religious things, people apparently don't have a right to practice christianity. Heh.
If anything, Mel Gibson was no where near as violent as it should have been.
Come on its christmas, we should be having fun and not be worrying ourselves with things like jesus
A2597 said:
If anything, Mel Gibson was no where near as violent as it should have been.

Hmm im not so sure, thats kinda like saying your granny having oral sex with a goat could have been made a bit less erotic

Personally, I found the movie to be a little light on the violence as well. The 45 minute scourging with whips, followed by the Cat O' Nines ripping chunks of meaty flesh from the torso wasn't anywhere near brutal enough to really drive the guilt home. The crucifixion was also not anywhere near as ruthless as it could have been. Now if I were Mel, I would have thrown in a castration to liven things up a bit, a disembowelment of some sort, perhaps a few beheadings (I'm not talking about the quick and easy guillotine stuff here people, I'm talking sawing the heads off with a dull knife or something), and some dead kittens to round it off nicely.
Kristafon said:
Come on its christmas, we should be having fun and not be worrying ourselves with things like jesus
Nice one. ;)
qckbeam, ever research the full scurging/crusifiction?

It is perhaps the single worst execution method ever concived.
This movie was supposed to accurately represent that method of execution, however parts like the scurging, for the most part, simply tore the flesh, only once did it actually rip a peice of his flesh fully off. It was designed to pretty much always do that.

Was it Violent? Yes, I'm not denying that at all, point it, the real thing was worse.
Censorship is one of the worst things that is commonly accepted in society. No one should be able to dictate what others can watch or see. Self censorship is the only way to go, allow people to decide for themselves what is appropriate for them. You think that because you were offended by the movie that no one else should be allowed to see it either? I don't need the government or some private organization to protect me from myself, and no one else does either.

I didn't like the Passion either, and I'm a Christian. The violence wasn't the reason, it was how they only focused on his torture and execution. It was nothing but a giant guilt trip placed on people in order to get them to feel obligated to see the movie, as if it was their religious duty to give Mel Gibson money for making an exploitation film.
smwScott said:
Censorship is one of the worst things that is commonly accepted in society. No one should be able to dictate what others can watch or see. Self censorship is the only way to go, allow people to decide for themselves what is appropriate for them. You think that because you were offended by the movie that no one else should be allowed to see it either? I don't need the government or some private organization to protect me from myself, and no one else does either.

I didn't like the Passion either, and I'm a Christian. The violence wasn't the reason, it was how they only focused on his torture and execution. It was nothing but a giant guilt trip placed on people in order to get them to feel obligated to see the movie, as if it was their religious duty to give Mel Gibson money for making an exploitation film.

I didn't feel guilty, or compelled to feel guilty by the movie. I wonder why others did.
smwScott said:
I didn't like the Passion either, and I'm a Christian. The violence wasn't the reason, it was how they only focused on his torture and execution. It was nothing but a giant guilt trip placed on people in order to get them to feel obligated to see the movie, as if it was their religious duty to give Mel Gibson money for making an exploitation film.

I never felt like that, it wasn't a guilt trip, it was a movie to show what Christ went through to save us.
Did any of you watch the news at the time it was released? It was filled with people who saw it saying how anyone who is a Christian is compelled to sit through this sub-par movie. There were pastors telling their congregation that they must watch this movie to experience what Christ went through. Regardless of whether or not you saw it for this reason, which I believe that you didn't (hey, I saw it too, and it wasn't because of this), but a huge portion of Middle America did. That's the reason this film made so much money, not because of the quality of the picture or the accuracy or relevance to Jesus' life an accomplishments, but because they were guilted into it.

What pisses me off is that all these people felt they were being faithful by giving their money to an already over payed hollywood movie star. It's the same thing that pisses me off about organized religion, "Give us money and donate to our church, keep coming every week and tell all your friends, that'll keep you out of hell."
Farrowlesparrow said:
I knew that...

...maybe its a staff thing.

Well, I used to know it, then I forgot it about two months ago
Mithrandir2 said:
Fool, you knew going into the movie that their would be violence, it isn't rated R for no reason. It is not up to YOU whether or not the amount of violence in a movie is acceptable. But who knows, Braveheart is pretty violent, I don't think a movie of that nature should be released. :rolleyes:

Actually here in NZ it's rated R15, so I never thought it would be quite so violent. And don't call me a fool you f*cking butt pirate.
its not my fault you live in a country with poor reviewing standards, and to tell me that after all the "hype" you heard surrounding this movie no one told you it was violent? fool
A2597 said:
qckbeam, ever research the full scurging/crusifiction?

It is perhaps the single worst execution method ever concived.
This movie was supposed to accurately represent that method of execution, however parts like the scurging, for the most part, simply tore the flesh, only once did it actually rip a peice of his flesh fully off. It was designed to pretty much always do that.

Was it Violent? Yes, I'm not denying that at all, point it, the real thing was worse.

So? There are a lot of things on this planet that are worse than shown in movies. Doesn't mean they should be in them.

If you like to watch some snuff movie, fine, whatever floats your boat, but most people don't care for that.
I would hardly call the Passion of the Christ a snuff film. It was demonstrating how much Jesus actually suffered in his passion. It did a fantastic job of capturing the emotions and challenges that Jesus may have faced.
5 second abridged version of the passion of christ

Jews: We have jesus, lets whip him!
Romans: Thats not very nice...
Jews: Whip him anyway!
Romans: Oh go on then
Jews: Yey! We're dirty jews! Now lets crucify him!
Romans: Thats not very nice...
Jews: Crucify him anyway!
Romand: :dozey:
Wow, you're quite racist if you think that the film is in any way being prejudiced against the jews Kristafon. JESUS WAS A JEW you moron. It showed mob mentality, and that is present in ALL RACES.

Perhaps you see the film calling them 'dirty jews' because you think they are 'dirty jews' personally.