Question about Lamarr


Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry about this noobish question (I did search) but when the teleporter goes psycho and you are teleported to that desert with Lamarr walking off...Would that be the "wastelands" surrounding the major remaining cities?
Most likely. I don't know for sure, but that's what I would guess. Or mabye just part of the outside, I don't think all of it is just waste.
everytime I hear Lamarr I think "Hedly Lamarr" from Blazing Saddles even though Lamarr is based of "Hedy Lamarr" or however u spell it.
What i whould like to know is how the stupid crab got back to the lab.
that headcrab on the beach wasnt lamarr .. -_-
Uh-oh guys, we have a VALVe employee here! Everybody ask eber questions, since he should be in the head class of VALVe employment!
well,what about that fish when the teleporter goes crazy..when i started playing HL2(On Xbox) the first time i saw that fish i thought it was going to be a boss or something...
That was an ichthyosaur from hl1. It might have been cut from the game or possibally was there to emphazise how much Xen life ended up on Earth...
gweedodogg69 said:
everytime I hear Lamarr I think "Hedly Lamarr" from Blazing Saddles even though Lamarr is based of "Hedy Lamarr" or however u spell it.

No, Lamarr is based on Hedly Lamarr, the character from Blazing Saddles
whose name was a play on Hedy Lamarr, the actress.

"Headly" Lamarr, because he can only act like a regular headcrab now.
eber said:
that headcrab on the beach wasnt lamarr .. -_-

You can see a weird sort of "outpost" tower in the ain't a beach :D
Darksabre said:
Sorry about this noobish question (I did search) but when the teleporter goes psycho and you are teleported to that desert with Lamarr walking off...Would that be the "wastelands" surrounding the major remaining cities?
I figured that was a beach? But I could be very very wrong.

eber said:
that headcrab on the beach wasnt lamarr .. -_-
I dunno about that. Seemed perfectly reasonable to presume that it was Lamaar.

On the other hand, who cares?
lol,i havent played HL1 in like months....might go play it agian :)
Digamma said:
That was an ichthyosaur from hl1. It might have been cut from the game or possibally was there to emphazise how much Xen life ended up on Earth...
I think it was due to it's AI and animations. As for the area Lamarr was in, I used noclip and went outside the level and found the area some where in the map and walked around in it.

I saw 2 things that looked like old cranes and cars, so you may be correct.
I assumed a desert... I thought oil-fields, so nyah.
So lamar dosent go with you in the teleporter? Shouldent he at least get shopped up like klainer told barney whould? (Sorry for the gramar)
I always assumed that was Lamarr you see in the desert. Because the desert is the first place you teleport to, and you see the headcrab run away. When you get back to Klieners right after the desert Klieners says "Is Lamarr with him??" But how the hell did Lamarr get back then?
UltimaApocalyspe said:
I always assumed that was Lamarr you see in the desert. Because the desert is the first place you teleport to, and you see the headcrab run away. When you get back to Klieners right after the desert Klieners says "Is Lamarr with him??" But how the hell did Lamarr get back then?
Only "They" know.... A side story/ expansion maybe? I'd call it Half- Life 2: Head Humper
i assumed it was a beach due to the sand and seagulls. on a side note, isnt it weird that they called that thingan ichthyosaur(sp)? its kind of like making a monster and calling it a t-rex...
Maybee somthing Valve didnt think about? Or maybe Its not the same headcrab klainer had. He got a new one during the lost week. Or barney got him a new one.