Question about monsters :O ...


Sep 16, 2003
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In HL1 there was tons and tons of monsters ... But in HL2 i only saw a zombie hydre and a strider and ant lion :O ....

What in HL2 will be more human like enemis then monsters ? Cause i LOVE tons and tons of monsters :>
Well there are a lot of combine soldiers it seams.
I'm sure there will be an equal balance of both... or most likely more aliens/monsters... simply coz they're more interesting.

Only time will tell. Personally, I look forward to the suprise.
You haven't seen all monsters yet. There will be more in HL2.
Yeah, they have said that there not showing a lot of the stuff you'll see because they want it to be a surprise. So exciting! :D
if rather have more combine aliens alwys have a huge disadvanage
Monsters > Human
Monsters so own all !!! I hope in the 30th they will give is some media with monsters :DDDDD
I'm wondering what the new media will be, and I'm also really looking forward to the Strider video at a high resolution. I'd like a better look at that distorted blast thing they do.
Zombies, head crabs, vortigaunts. Oh my.

I'm looking forward to working *with* the vortigaunts. They're funny.






i read somewhere, PC GAMER or PC ZONE that there were 50+ but im not to sure :bounce:
I personally like fighting marines or in this case combine soldiers better. I like human-like bad guys the best. Or machines. I love the striders and those flying hovercraft dealies...(forgot the name)
OMG OMG !!!! 50 + ?!?!?!?!! SUPER COOL :D i can't wait !!!!!

i want to see them !

can't see the new vortigons!! fighting on our side and everything!:dork:
you must take into account that we havent seen that much of the game at all, what we've seen of it is probably a fraction of whats to come
Vortigaunts rock!:E

Anybody heard anything about the possible return of the alien grunts?:)

There's gotta be some way to get a hive hand.;)

Maybe they're on your side too.


Originally posted by bate18
you must take into account that we havent seen that much of the game at all, what we've seen of it is probably a fraction of whats to come

So how much CD's the game ?
I will buy the collecter's edition on the dvd :>
you must take into account that we havent seen that much of the game at all, what we've seen of it is probably a fraction of whats to come

true cos we hav only seen like what 15 mins of gameplay, and there is 30hrs of game !!
didnt the alien grunts have those green thingies that suposedly (?) controled the mind of the vortigons?? if they did, and since the vortigons have been freed, so did the alien grunts, IF they had those green things in neck and arms....
There's gotta be some way to get a hive hand.

Maybe they're on your side too.
I wwas wondering about that, because in the video it kills the combine soldier, but I wonder if when the arm comes up it goes for you or Alyx? Also, I wonder if the hydra did attack you if you would see your screen flying everywhere while it was flinging you into the ground / wall / whatever.
The hydra. Everybody's favourite big blue tapeworm.:E

I don't know that the hydras and ant lions are even Xen aliens. They could be race-x, combine genetic experiments, who knows. I reckon that the vortigaunts will be teaming up with Freeman because they worship him as the one who killed the Nihilanth and freed them.:cool:

Assuming that there was only one Nihilanth.;)

Originally posted by toast
I wwas wondering about that, because in the video it kills the combine soldier, but I wonder if when the arm comes up it goes for you or Alyx? Also, I wonder if the hydra did attack you if you would see your screen flying everywhere while it was flinging you into the ground / wall / whatever.

if it did, i would close my eyes before reaching the water below: water in the games freaks me out:eek:
I wanna see the new and improved Bullsquid, mean little fella that was :cheers:

About that Hydra, does he grow when he feeds? Because when he grabbed the combine soldier, a new arm suddenly came from below.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
I wanna see the new and improved Bullsquid, mean little fella that was :cheers:

About that Hydra, does he grow when he feeds? Because when he grabbed the combine soldier, a new arm suddenly came from below.

if it does, that would be freaking stupid :x

what is that? picture anyone

ok i have probally seen it but never knew the name
those aliens that shoot green lightbolts are the vortigons (aka: alien slaves)
Originally posted by Tarkus
if it did, i would close my eyes before reaching the water below: water in the games freaks me out:eek:

OMG in HL1 when you had to swin by that bridge that had the garg on it, and there is the icthysaur (spelling) in the water and you have to open that grating god damn that shit freaks me out soooo bad like i seriously have a ****ing water phobia...anytime you have to get in water with an ictysaur i freak out...
I prefer to call the Vortigons, Alien Slaves - partly 'cause that's what their real name was (like the real name of the "Tau Cannon" was the Gauss Gun - much better name) and partly because it explains why they're fighting with you this time: They were slaves, made to work (remember the factory when they wouldn't hurt you?) and fight and so when you killed the Nihilanth, you set them free. Therefore, they're working with you now... Huzzah!

Apparently other aliens from HL1 are returning (other than headcrabs, zombies, slaves, bullsquids and barnacles) Which could be interesting...
You mean in the alien factory at the end of HL they wouldnt hurt you? They shot at me like all over...:x

Edit: Im glad people ar getting back to the "I wonder what this will be like" And "What are these" threads, I was getting annoyed by those "OMG VALVE SUCKKS" threads...
In the first room, certainly they wouldn't. Unless, of course, you shot them first...
If you provoked them they would get medieval on your ass.
I wonder what the Boss will look like. Imagine Nihilanth coded into half-life 2 graphics... Scary sh!t.
Originally posted by not28
If you provoked them they would get medieval on your ass.
And rightly so.
I wonder if they had a Union?

I hope the boss is a bit better than Nihilanth... Given the great design of most of the other monsters, they could have done better than an unholy cross between a giant ugly baby and one of the floaty alien bastards...
I want to see what this guy does.
They left him out of the first game and now he seems to be back.
With a funky scorpion tail. :cool:

The text on the original concept says he has psychic attack powers and can deflect missiles with his mind. :eek:
Theres a monster in my HL manual that I don't think made it into the game.

Pages 20-21 for those who have the same one as me.
Originally posted by Pressure
Theres a monster in my HL manual that I don't think made it into the game.

Pages 20-21 for those who have the same one as me.
Heh, I was looking for that when I first played HL1. Too bad they left it out. I'd love to see it shoot out it's mouth thing ('Alien' movie style) and grab a soldier.
The "Kingpin" as it's called is actually still in the Half-Life pak file. (It looks like the new concept art though, not the old one, which is too bad since the older one looks more alien IMO)

The critter on page 20-21 in the Half-Life manual is actually an extremly early version of the Gargantuan. (Look at the middle limbs, the back legs... they're so much alike.. The partially obscured word "Gargantua" at the bottom of page 20 adds a bit of credence to that theory as well :)

Jeremy Dunn
do you guys think gargantuan or maybe the itchyosaurus (correct spelling?) will make a return... i remember the itchy scaring the poo out of me in hl1 for first time.... imagine it in hl2, gargantuan would be pretty sweet too