Question about my home network



I'm going to network my two computers together later today and was wondering if me and a buddy would both be able to play some games over the net at the same time (DoD, CS, whatever) without having two copies of Half-Life. Oh, and I believe this is my first post at, so hi everyone :bounce:
No, I don't think it's possible, you will need two STEAM accounts and in which you need two CD keys. On the bright side... WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!
Actually, you can try. I went to a LAN party recently and we installed steam on all the computers, even tho not everyone had it to begin with, let alone cd keys. Anyway, we were actually able to get 5 people playing on one cd-key. And so you know, the network we were on WAS hooked up to the net, so steam connected and authenticated all the clients that were on. we had 12 people there and used only 3 keys. Not sure if it was a fluke or what, but you can try it anyways.