Question about NVida card


Oct 18, 2003
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On my 5200FX I have 2 monitor outputs and one TV output. Right now I have two monitors running. Is there anyway I can have two monitors and a tv running at the same time?


I am going to get a 43 inch HDTV and I am also wondering how it will look if I hooked my comp up to it and used it like a huge monitor... would it still be real fuzzy like normal analog TVs?
I don't think it supports 3 monitors.
Doubt it.
If it does then hey, awesome.
Give it a try.

HDTV is a big step up from analog TVs but are not as sharp as Monitors.
Then again you won't be right up close so it blends well and text shouldn't be too bad at all. Should work great.
hdtv will work great, as long as it has the proper I/O's.
Originally posted by CokeLite
On my 5200FX I have 2 monitor outputs and one TV output. Right now I have two monitors running. Is there anyway I can have two monitors and a tv running at the same time?

yep thats quite possible, I've done it before and it works well, you might need to fiddle a bit with settings first though to get it just right (it may default to simply cloning one of the monitor displays or something)