Question about SLI motherboards.


Jul 30, 2003
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Would it be alright for me to purchase a SLI motherboard even though I have no intention of running two video cards as of yet?

I'd like to keep that option open though for the future, but for now, would there be any disadvantage for running a single card in a SLI motherboard as opposed to the regular motherboard which is only $20 cheaper?

here are the boards I have in mind:



I'd rather get the one with SLI obviously if it wouldn't cause any problems.
Yes you can use 1 card in an SLI motherboard.
BUT there's something you might wanna know about the board you chose. The PCIe slots are both 16x, but if you run in SLI mode they both run at 8x

Expansion Slots
- 2 x PCI Express x16 slot
*SLI mode : x8 , x8

It's not that big of a problem yet these days, but if you plan to put in two superfast cards in later you might wanna think about getting a Asus A8N SLI Deluxe. That mobo can run in 16x SLI.

EDIT: Wait I'm lieing. The Deluxe version also runs in 8x 8x. Atleast that site says so. If that's the case, go ahead and buy that board you chose.
Yeah SLI is the figure MOBO and eventually everyone will need two cards in their System in the coming few years.
So yeah it's a good idea to set yourself up for the future and you can use single powerful card at the moment and double up in the future if you have to.

DFI NF4 SLI Expert and Asus A8N SLI deluxe are the best MOBOs out there in my opinion.

Good Luck