Question about .smd files


Mar 20, 2005
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Now I know there are supposed to be 3 .smd models, But do they have to differ or are they all exported the same. So basically I want to know what is the difference between the three types.
model/reference smd: stores polygonal, bone and uv data. This is basicaly ur model
skeletal animation smd: stores the keyframes of the bones. This is for animatoin.
physics smd: stores a physbox. Only used on props and ragdolls.
thereisaspoon said:
model/reference smd: stores polygonal, bone and uv data. This is basicaly ur model
skeletal animation smd: stores the keyframes of the bones. This is for animatoin.
physics smd: stores a physbox. Only used on props and ragdolls.
but apart from XSI the physics smd is simply a reference smd - the same as your model.
Ok I got it, so the reference smd is the model, skeletal animation smd is for the animations, and physics smd stores a phsybox, thanks alot guys.

Is there a certain way I have to set the model up before exporting? What I do is import the rig I use for animating and take the idle animation, then I delete everything except the model, is that ok?

EDIT: Also, would we need a different skeletal smd for every animation, like reloading, draw, shooting, and stuff? Or do we put them all in one and designate certain animations, certain keyframes? Also, is there anything particular we should name the different ones? Ok that's all my questions, I think I got it after this.

I'm starting to understand the .qc files pretty well. I'm trying to use the half life 2 shotgun as an example but I'm not sure if it would work the same as a weapon in source.
Mr-Fusion said:
You would for w_weapons wouldn't you?

Samio said:
EDIT: Also, would we need a different skeletal smd for every animation, like reloading, draw, shooting, and stuff?

Samio said:
Also, is there anything particular we should name the different ones?
i think its safest if you name them the same as their original names. but it shouldnt matter as long as you enter the same name in the QC file.

Samio, il do this all for you if you want. iv still not managed to sucessfully get a decompiled weapon V_model to work. but i think i might be able to with yours because you've got your own animations.
anyway i PMed you.