Question about Source.


Jun 20, 2004
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Does the physics engine know when to impale someone and to gib? Like say you weld a pipe to your buggy then you ram it into a combine. Will he explode in gibs, or just get shish cababed?
Depends..... he may get gibbed if you have a low end system so it doesn't lag OR he will get shish cababed.
Gabe said somewhere that you can weld things in game. Sounds pretty neat imo.
surely that was a 'you could in a mod' type thing...
CR0M said:
surely that was a 'you could in a mod' type thing...

No iirc he talked about how he welded something. Was about a week ago that I read it. Anyone else remember?

We weren't meant to know anything about welding but some leak spoilers slip past the mods and now it's common knowledge.
cool, so now we can make sculptures and mend plumbing. My life is complete.
Welding will not be in the full game. It was kind of buggy, and last I heard it was removed.
Dint know freeman had a welding kit with him lol but id guess he get spiked but then the momentum of the buggy would wack him of wouldnt it.
I remember awhile back there was another topic about whether or not impalement can be done in the physics engine (without being scripted) and I believe the answer was that, yes it could be done.
Actually I remember the welding thing coming out of Valve's mouths (or fingers), but maybe I'm wrong.
welding is in the leaked beta, the second feature of the physgun that was shown in the E3 techdemo (where he holds up the combine by the foot and such). thr right click function shoots little red blobs that stick to things, when you drag the objects and match up the blobs the blue beam turns red, letting it go then welds the two peices together.

that info is from a page i wont mention that goes into detail about the whole leaked beta.
the physgun that does that wont be in the game, it was just for E3 and probably a test.

and yes, it would be easily modable. as for the question about impaling, objects that hit you will just knock you back and hurt you, it wont matter how sharp or where your hit i immagine. could be wrong
i remember aaaaages ago after the leak just came out some screenshots of the buggy with all kinds of crap welded to it. im glad theyve removed it tbh. will be fun in a mod tho.
Has Valve said that there will be sharp and blunt damage detection?

I THINK they have, but am not sure.
welding is the alternate fire of the physgun in the beta, therefore it will not be in the final game.
In the leak, you can use the Physgun's (blue beam gun) secondary fire to weld objects together. Gabe said the physgun won't be in the final game, however I suspect you will be able to get it with the console.
Silly Question: What does 'gib/gibbing' mean? Sorry guys, but in all my days I have never heard this term before.
muka3d said:
Silly Question: What does 'gib/gibbing' mean? Sorry guys, but in all my days I have never heard this term before.

Ok, it means when I body flies apart in million of tasty meaty bits.

In HL a granade would gib a character (tear him apart), in HL2 they will just fly through the air showing of the pretty Rad Doll physics.