Question about Space Games


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Why do most, if not all space games out there have to include a game world that encompasses not only a galaxy, but an entire universe. Technology is always so advanced that it seems preposterous if the game doesn't include a gigantic universe to play in.

This not only goes for single player games, but massively multi-player ones as well.

For once, I want to see a game(though I'd love to be the one who designed one) that focuses on an event in time where space travel has become much more common than it is today, except technology has not been advanced enough to allow for interplanetary travel or even really travel beyond the scope of the planet itself and its various moons(one or more).

Think of it... this allows you to pack so much more into a game, adding layers of complexity that you might not otherwise find in a space game. The world and its moon or moons could be completely realized on a grand scale, where elements of ground based play are prevalent as in many mmorpgs. However, attention can also be payed heavily to allow for flight within the game world that breaks the boundaries of arbitrary loading screens for the transition between terra firma and space. Players can fly around in the atmosphere and even land in various parts of the world in their own ships. Space can be made more interesting by populating it with space stations and the like between the planet and its moons.

I don't know... that's my vision. I want a game that focuses more heavily on quality than quantity. When you have a game world that includes giant galaxies and an encompassing universe, you go for the quantity effect rather than the quality of making a more engaging experience when the scope is kept far more tight.
Yeah. It's like how EVE online has so many worlds to visit that it is impossible to visit them all. :o I do like how the traveling is realistic in that game.. It's fun. But anyway, I see how that works.. It sounds really neat. You should make a flash game.. :o
You're right. Sometimes with 100's of planets/systems comes blandness. They can't afford to put much detail into it.

Your idea could happen within a decade easily, although go play Frontier if you don't want loading screens between landing and leaving a planet -
here here! I can't find myself interested in any 'space sims' for this very reason. They just don't seem accessible to average FPS/RPG guys, though the idea is quite compelling I'm far more interested in detailed/surface exploration then the grand scope of the game itself.

My major complaint with this genre is simply user accessibility, I can't seem to easily delve in aside from the "wow, this looks gorgeous" aspect of things.

Infinity is a massively multiplayer online game set in a futuristic persistent universe. Players can discover a huge galaxy with billions of planets and can explore, fight, trade, socialize.. the possibilities are endless!

Bam, instant fail. Doesn't fit in with my wish at all.

I can't really say the first one you mentioned really interests me either. Sure it has exploration part... but the whole space part seems underdeveloped. Only one ship that you get at the beginning of the game?