Question about STEAM


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I own a copy of Pirates! and noticed that the game is available for purchase on Steam. Is there a way to get my retail version of Pirates! on Steam?
just tried it. Doesnt work. I tried this with Prey, and it worked. Why not Pirates?
Someone might have used a keygen on Steam and taken your key by coincidence.
Prey is the only game not made by Valve who's boxed copy can be registered with Steam.

Valve make no money from third party boxed copies therefore there's no incentive for them to provide you with content and bandwidth.
just tried it. Doesnt work. I tried this with Prey, and it worked. Why not Pirates?

Only certain games can be registered on steam.

Valve announces which ones.

Prey is the only game not made by Valve who's boxed copy can be registered with Steam.

Valve make no money from third party boxed copies therefore there's no incentive for them to provide you with content and bandwidth.

Not true if games get interested in registering their games on steam. People who didnt have steam before but want to use it as a organizer or hub for updates. This brings people to their games. Constant advertising. Dunno if it really is worth it but it sounds like the more steam users the more deals with other company's the better for Valve.
The only games that can be registered via Steam are the ones Valve make money off. Why are Valve going to provide bandwidth and incure costs allowing you to download the game via their service when they get nothing in return? It's as simple as that.