Question about Steam



Hello All! I'm considering buying this game for my husband....I've read alot of mixed reviews about this though. I've heard the game is great but that the server (?) Steam sucks. Any truth to this? I'd hate to get it and not have it work half the time. Can someone please let me know if it's working better? Most of the bad reviews I had seen about it were talking about problems in november....

Any input? :D
There have only been a few times where I've had any problems with Steam: right when it came out and was in its testing phase was bad, but a long time ago (couple years I think), and whenever they are doing updating or server maintenance (which I guess would include releasing hl2, many people downloading from the server). I feel that the updating and maintenance happen much less than a lot of people think. I myself have had good, consistent experiences with Steam.. may not be true for everyone though. It works fine on this end :D
So, are most of the bad reviews I'm reading from people that either don't have a decent pc to play the game on or are using dial up? We have an awesome pc and a cable we shouldn't have any problems then? thanks btw :thumbs:
If you buy him any kind of software, there is a risk of it arguing with his hardware and steam is no exception. However, given the very nature of steam, people are far more prone to complaining online than with other games.

I ran a poll which shows conclusivley that far more people had no problems. Also bear in mind that a much higher ratio of people with errors would have voted than with no problems, because most people with errors will take any chance to winge about it, but people with working copies just want to discuss it.

I would say go for it. Its better than socks or hankies ;)
Well, I guess you intend on giving it to him on Christmas? If so, I would tell him to wait with activating it until the next day. There will be tons of stress on the servers on Christmas day, since a lot of people will be recieving it.

And if you do get it, I would get the DVD collectors edition instead of a DL through Steam (which would take forever, plus there is nothing to physically "give") or the 5-CD version (this is what I have, but the 5 CD install takes awhile and lose one disc and you're screwed)
I guess it's the 5cd version I am going to get him. I looked on amazon and it's $49.99.

Thanks for the help! I would hate for him to get it and not be able to use it. :angel:
Well i bought hl2 the day it came out, got home and couldn't play for 4 hours. The servers were packed to the shithouse at that point in time..

Umm. It's better now i think. Just don't expect to install and play. Install, ass around for a couple of hours registering etc ...and then play. But the game itself is extremely awesome.
Jacinda said:
Hello All! I'm considering buying this game for my husband....I've read alot of mixed reviews about this though. I've heard the game is great but that the server (?) Steam sucks. Any truth to this? I'd hate to get it and not have it work half the time. Can someone please let me know if it's working better? Most of the bad reviews I had seen about it were talking about problems in november....

Any input? :D
The only negative reviews you will see(usually) from the game are reviews from people who play halo 2. (they don't want halflife2 to be better then halo2). The steam server you are talking about was only bad for the first day. Now it is perfectly fine and nothing is wrong. So if thats the only reason you are unsure yet is because of steam- there are no current problems right now. I'll try to explain that during the first day the game came out, there was so much traffic of people using this program called 'steam' that it couldn't supply enough people at once. (supply and demand kind of) anyway it should not happen again. Your husband will like the game a lot :)
dont worry about. what a great x-mas gift! if he has any problems send him here and we will sort him out.