Question About Textures


Dec 27, 2004
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If I create a texture and put it in HL2/Textures (Or whatever) and not /Sourcemods/nameofmod/hl2/textures (or whatever) will it work when running the mod? Will it work if the mod folder is put on a different PC?
^ I mean, if the texture is put in the map. Will the texture be saved INTO the map, or does the map run the texture from a file?
try it and see what happens. I suppose if you tell it where the textures are it'll know what to do.
Well - Surely modders out there who have released their mods must know - If not, their maps wouldn't work :S
MetalPiranha said:
Well - Surely modders out there who have released their mods must know - If not, their maps wouldn't work :S
just put them in the place it tells you to put them. Or like I say, try both ways, never hurts to try.
If you have the BSP, the VMT, and the VTF, then the texture will work. If you use BSPZIP to embed the VMT and VTF, then the texture will work. If you have the BSP but are missing the VMT or VTF, then the texture won't work.
I see. So if i were to release a mod and used a custom texture - I would need to include the vmt and vtf in the mod folder for the texture to work ingame.
Yep, but they do have to be in the proper location.