question any 56kers playing CS:s whats ur average ping?


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
any 56kers playing CS:s whats ur average ping? my friend wants to play but doesnt know how it will do....hes got a good machine so thats not a issue....
this is off topic but BUY DSL OR CABLE!!!?

ARG!!! you noobs even satalite is avalable all over the USA :afro:

when well the lagger mic spamming 56ker kids just die off >.<


since my ISP stinks 56ker pings will be around 80-120 similar to mine.. (DSL)
ur calling me a noob ur the one that cant read i said my friend...tard....hes leaving for the army neways at the end of december and he wants to play some before he goes and hes only got 56k right now....and how is it off topic.....its about counterstrike source. grow up type something relevent or helpful instead of makeing more usless garbage
Try and find out, it shouldn't be much more different than the hl engine pings.
I Currently play CSS on a 56k :( but im getting 1.5 mb DSL in 2 days! But my ping on the 56k ranges from 170-250
I played the beta and i always get 170-250.
Trust me, I never noticed any unsmooth or anything. Not in normal cs or anything. It was all smooth was a whistle.
It'll probably be even worse since you have the physics objects now.
kilword said:
ur calling me a noob ur the one that cant read i said my friend...tard....hes leaving for the army neways at the end of december and he wants to play some before he goes and hes only got 56k right now....and how is it off topic.....its about counterstrike source. grow up type something relevent or helpful instead of makeing more usless garbage
Ummm, just to clear up what he said/meant.

He wasn't calling you a n00b, just generally people who use dial-up. Not justified, but anyways.

He wasn't saying that this thread is off topic, he was saying that his statement "buy dsl or cable" was off topic.

That's what I gathered from it anyways.

Edit: Happy forum, happy forum!
averages from 4 - 19 doesnt normally drop below (our server kicks ass ;)) #emulated-hosting if your interested