Question on RPG.



What is the trick to the rocker launcher? I sight with the laser and fire but almost every rocker misses. I'm sure this is a moronic question but any advice would be appreciated.
The red is your guidance point it at a ship for example and then using the red dot follow the ship and it'll follow the red dot.
The trick is to aim away from the ship and then guide the missle in from the side,. that way the ship has a much harder time destroying the missle with its defences.

(in otherwords, aim away from the Gunship, fire a rocket, wait a second, then hold your aim directly on the Gunship)
like the good ól fire WAY away from the ship, then create little spirals si it flies all sorts of crazy then hits it from behind...looks cool too.
When Gordon was first given the launcher I was distracted when the guy was telling him how to use it, so I never got it until now:))
Thanks all.
I do the crazy spirals, those gunships almost never destroy my rockets now
It can also be good fun to watch, those crazy gunships!
gordons_crowbar said:
n00b question:

what are these "spirals" you speak of?

Make the rpg fly in spirals, the gunships will have a harder time counteracting. Plus it looks cool.
It's so easy to take them down once you master the spirals. Instead of just making it go straight at the gunship, make the missle do figure 8s and stuff. Theres so many cool things you can do.. make it go past the gunship and turn around, fly circles around the gunship, etc
ya thats what i do, i usually fly it past the gunship and hit it in its ass.
It's not a fire and forget. I had this problem until Nova Prospekt (endlessly replaying gunship battles, bringing them down mostly by accident or because i was looking to see if my rocket hit). You've got to fire the rocket, and then KEEP AIMING at the gunship because if you don't your rockets will start coming towards wherever your red laser is. I had a LOT of problems with rockets coming back towards me when i was trying to get ammo, rockets going wrong way etc.

Get good with the RPG. That way you can pull off crazy stunts with it in DM, thus causing people to call you a hacker. (Being called a hacker without using any hacks is one of the best unintentional compliments.)
algae said:
What is the trick to the rocker launcher? I sight with the laser and fire but almost every rocker misses. I'm sure this is a moronic question but any advice would be appreciated.

yea, that rocker launcer can be damn hard to shoot :rolleyes: