Question on the FX-53


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, i have an FX-53 Socket 939 (rest of specs in sig). I ran 3dMark, and my pc score turned out to be around 750. I went to Toms and saw some benchmarks, and it looks like they are around 850. Is this ok? if not what can i do to improve preformance? Thanks
750?! What? You should be hitting over 10,000. What's going on here? Asus with his A64 3000+ and 6800-GT hits a little over 10,000.
yeah, i had that problem too, it has to do with how u install all ur hardware's software, its done in an order to maximize speed(os, drivers, patches, programs). but its doesnt affect actual performance, like in a game
Don't trust 3dMark, the scores do not reflect actual game performance.
no, not 750 for the 3d test, i get 750 for the CPU test...
I wouldn't look to 3Dmark 2003, overall a graphics benchmark, for CPU numbers.
Run Aquamark3, UT2004 or prime95 benchmarks and then compare.
Malfunction said:
750?! What? You should be hitting over 10,000. What's going on here? Asus with his A64 3000+ and 6800-GT hits a little over 10,000.

3DMark03 also gives a CPU score. That's what he's talking about. It is lower than it should be, but now THAT low. But yeah 3DMark03 is mainly for testing your gfx card so I wouldn't rely on it to tell you your cpu score.
im hitting well over 15,000. must be a bug. try reinstalling
How can you guys afford that proccessor? :eek:

Not that I can't but there are much better deals out there, for an exemple you can get 3500+ and OC it to 3800+ and it will be almost as good as the FX 53 and costs $450 less....
nex sadly your alone in the thought that the 3500 can be oc'ed to an fx-53
I never said that it can, I said it can be OCed to 3800+ and 3800+ is almost as good as the FX 53. FX 53 is just a little better
u cant get the 3500 anywhere near the fx-53 speeds, not even 3800 unless ur on liquid cooling, which, for a good one, is at least 200 bucks. so right there uve already spent almost as much as ud need to get an fx-53.
heh.... you don't understand.

Correct me if I'm wrong the only difference between the FX 53 and 3800+ is that FX has 1 mb cache and 3800+ has 512 kb. In all of the tests that I've seen FX 53 wins by a small margin.

I am trying to say is you save $450+ by having a *almost* as good as FX 53 proccessor.
hmm I'm quite sure that you can easily overclock 3500+ to 3800+ speed. Have seen many people do it...
You've seen many people do it. Who are all these people? And even if you did get it to 3800+ that 512 l2 cache goes a long way later down the road.
guinny said:
u cant get the 3500 anywhere near the fx-53 speeds, not even 3800 unless ur on liquid cooling, which, for a good one, is at least 200 bucks. so right there uve already spent almost as much as ud need to get an fx-53.
im sorry but you are an idiot
if you want to measure your video card's performance, then yes, 3dmark is the most common tool for that. But since 3dmark2001 the tests have been based much more on the video card then overall pc performance. Suprisingly enough games these days are based more on video card than overall pc performance.
If you want to test your cpu, pick up prime95 or sisoft sandra or on of the many other tools for benching your cpu.
Exorbitantly priced at almost $900 the FX-53 will drop like a rock in 6 months.The (939)3500+ for $350 is the only way to go,upgrade in 1 yr to the FX-53 when it's $250.Unless your Richy Rich and wipe your butt with $100 bills.

If your buying the FX-53 for $900 just whip out another $100 and torch it.Now you can say it cost a cool grand for the processor.

If you're "richy rich" wait for the FX 55 since it will be released soon.
This is a really weird way of naming processors. Anyone why they chose this?
Haven't heard of a 57 yet. So exactly what are the specs of the 55? Have they released any yet? Cause the only difference between the 51 and 53 was a 200mhz clock speed increase.
Gajdycz said:
whats is the dif between fx's and 64's?
fx have dual channel memory support, 1 meg cache ect, some a64 have 1meg cache but lack dual channel memory, orhter a64 have dual channel memory, but 512k chache

the fx57 will be @ 2.6ghz
The FX name "alludes to the film industry's terminology for effects."
51,53, and 55 are odd so they stand out.
The FX series have everything unlocked for easier and more options while overclocking.