questions about going to a dentist.


Jul 30, 2008
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I broke off a part of a tooth last week,the last one on the left side I think now I'm guessing this is due to lack of proper dental care I haven't gone to the dentist in 2 years and I don't have Health Insurance right now so I'm hoping the can just put some glue shit or something on you guys know how much that would cost???
Also when I broke it off I was yawning and when I shut my mouth I bet down and I felt just a split second of pain...pretty intense pain.
I pulled out the chip with my figers it was slightly discolored but not black or something I wonder why it just broke off like that,any thoughts???

" I pulled out the chip with my figers it was slightly discolored but now black or something I wonder why it just broke off like that"

because it's rotten/decayed/one big cavity

if you cant afford a dentist I can offer you a solution. I'll punch you in the face and dislodge your broken tooth, you save money on a dentist visit. everyone is happy
I broke off a part of a tooth last week,the last one on the left side I think now I'm guessing this is due to lack of proper dental care I havem't gone to the dentist in 2 years and I don't have Health Insurence right now so I'm hoping the can just put some glue shit or something on you guys know how much that would cost???
Also when I broke it off I was yawning and when I shut my mouth I bet down and I felt just a split second of pain...pretty intense pain.
I pulled out the chip with my figers it was slightly discolored but now black or something I wonder why it just broke off like that,any thoughts???

i chipped two was because of a fight the other a bicycle accident.
no they normally don't glue it back together but just fill it up with that special ceramics. depending by the size, place and dentist...i payed up to 60EU which is...what, 80 dollars?
That was a typo I ment to not black.
Yeah thats kinda what I thought Jverne
I mean...if its the very last tooth in the corner though can't they just pull it?
you mean your wisdom tooth? yes they'll have to pull it. it will cost quite a bit

anyways you need to take care of it, bacteria from a decayed tooth can lead to all sorts of health problems
mhm...yeah I forgot about that...I would like a Hamster for a week n' shit...**** I hope it's not a wisdom tooth.
my my Dad was teasing me about not wanting to go and mentioned that I could get an infection,one thing I don't like though they always give you a ****ing lecture and shit how I need to take more care of my tooth and stuff...I mean that's true but dang they can be very annoying.
you british and your teeths

made a wood replacement like george washintong did
unozero is an americano/yanqui

well americans are angry britishs

just like canadians are calm britishs

and autralians are rebelious british

after all you all come from the same country
It's teef, dude.

Depending on the size of the chunk that came out already, and the likely condition that the remainder of the tooth is in, you may be looking at some crazy pain in the immediate future if the rest of the tooth fails. The cost will also depend on the condition of the tooth and surrounding area. If that tooth is sketchy, there may be others that are worth fixin'. If it is in fact your wisdom tooth, you're hitting two birds with one stone by having it taken care of.
well I just got back....$1500 atleast for everything.

Don't go to the Dentist.

I've never been to the Dentist and I still have two thirds of my teeth to show for it!
well I just got back....$1500 atleast for everything.


OMG that's expensive

A few months ago I got a tooth removed, 4 fillings done, and a full dental cleaning with ultrasound. The whole thing costed me roughly 300 dollars. And I thought that was expensive... :laugh: