questions to drive you insane..

man, you all have a serios case of "wondering about the un-wonderable" syndrome.
the cure?
you must read all of the hitchhikers guide triliogy (of five)!!!
it talks about random bullshit in the simplest way possible, and make u ROFL quite literally. THEN, go watch the life of brian, and the holy grail. you all need some serios Douglas adams / monty python comedy.
so what are you waiting for?

.... no-one cares, do they?
Suicide42 said:
man, you all have a serios case of "wondering about the un-wonderable" syndrome.
the cure?
you must read all of the hitchhikers guide triliogy (of five)!!!
it talks about random bullshit in the simplest way possible, and make u ROFL quite literally. THEN, go watch the life of brian, and the holy grail. you all need some serios Douglas adams / monty python comedy.
so what are you waiting for?

.... no-one cares, do they?

My God, man! have you forgotten about Mel Brooks!?!?
all these questions, its a case of a bird in its nest, it cant comprehend anything beyond feeding its young and doing what its genetically programmed to do.. (or otherwise it wouldnt be a bird :P.)

Like with us, alot of the time I think scientists are too big headed and think that theres no limit to our understanding.. now apart from devices in technology we use to define things that we cant perscieve or sense (e.g infrared) our senses themselves are at a servere limitation that impedes our comprehension of how everything works in reality. It makes us believe silly things like,, if there was no light? would we still exist? even though I can very well feel the mug im holding before the light vanished.... obviously thats hypothetical..

but another one is this... if you go faster than light.. do you go back in time???,, I think this theory is obsurd as I believe light isnt the give all and end all of the universe. and its all relative to the viewer..

another mind boggler..

if you see a planet 3 light years away, your seeing it 3 years ago how it was.. now lets say for practical purposes sake that the planet is habitable .

your friend comes over and you have two instantaneous messaging devices. that have no lag over whatever distance,, your friend is then transported to that planet instantaneously! (im getting to the point)

now this planet is 3 light years away, so your friend has gone back in time! according to the laws. But your friend is very aware after being transported that hes alive!. in the present moment. So he walky talkies you to say he got there ok.. but one second,, if hes 3 years in the past?? hes either 3 years younger or has definately travelled back in time,,, and now from his/her perspective your 3 years in the past aswell. and would probably see, if you could, what you both where doing 3 years ago.

but yet you can talk to each other like your both in the present..

Light is therefore simply a medium. and has nothing to do with time in escence!. only how we see and perscieve its passing, can we then jump to the conclusion time and light are related.

thats why when you sit in a dark room for ages, if you ever tried. without any time pieces. without seeing seriously impedes our idea of how much time has passed.. I found this quite simple to comprehend,, how about you guys?

(maybe going faster than light would have weird results and experiances in relation perceptually with the human body. but truely you would be travelling faster than light. and when you slowed down under the speed of light, it would then become apparent that you have travelled faster than c(light) because of the distance travelled. even speeds faster than light can be calculated over distance coverage ;) , but this is only if you want to use thrust. or propell yourself through space via rocket.)
not sure if you're looking for a response or not, but i'm looking to give one :)
clarky003 said:
It makes us believe silly things like,, if there was no light? would we still exist? even though I can very well feel the mug im holding before the light vanished.... obviously thats hypothetical..
? hmm, what scientists have you been talking too :hmph:

clarky003 said:
but another one is this... if you go faster than light.. do you go back in time???,, I think this theory is obsurd as I believe light isnt the give all and end all of the universe. and its all relative to the viewer..

another mind boggler..

if you see a planet 3 light years away, your seeing it 3 years ago how it was.. now lets say for practical purposes sake that the planet is habitable .

your friend comes over and you have two instantaneous messaging devices. that have no lag over whatever distance,, your friend is then transported to that planet instantaneously! (im getting to the point)

now this planet is 3 light years away, so your friend has gone back in time! according to the laws. But your friend is very aware after being transported that hes alive!. in the present moment. So he walky talkies you to say he got there ok.. but one second,, if hes 3 years in the past?? hes either 3 years younger or has definately travelled back in time,,, and now from his/her perspective your 3 years in the past aswell. and would probably see, if you could, what you both where doing 3 years ago.

but yet you can talk to each other like your both in the present..

Light is therefore simply a medium. and has nothing to do with time in escence!. only how we see and perscieve its passing, can we then jump to the conclusion time and light are related.
um, huh? i think you're misinformed about the relationship between light and time. taking your example: if your friend is instantaneously transported to this new world 1) you've just broken a fundamental theory of physics, because he has traveled faster than the speed of light. 2) you would not be able to message him in real time once he is on the new planet, it'd take 3 years to receive his messages. just because the light we're seeing coming from the new planet is 3 yrs old doesn't mean the planet doesn't exist in the present. if you could find a loop-hole around the speed of light (say a worm hole) to the new planet, then you'd find it to be perfectly in the present when you got there. i think you are over-complicating the matter, or i'm just not understanding you.

clarky003 said:
thats why when you sit in a dark room for ages, if you ever tried. without any time pieces. without seeing seriously impedes our idea of how much time has passed.. I found this quite simple to comprehend,, how about you guys?
yeah, you can just sit indoors too. it's not a matter of sitting in darkness, you just have to be cut-off from the natural environment. day/night and position of the sun (and stars for the more astute of us) are all clues to the approx. time of day. sequester yourself inside a room w/o windows for long enough (especially if you go to sleep) and you will likely have no notion of the actual time.

btw, how's that devilfish tank coming along? it looks like it's going to be sweet! i wish i knew how to model :(
I've always wanted to read the Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy books, but I can't find them anywhere...
Brian Damage said:
- Apparently the smallest period of time possible is the "planck time", which is really really short.

Wrong, the shortest amount of time possible is how long it takes you to get off in bed.


Seriously though, these sorta questions bounce right off me. Maybe I'm just boring but I really don't see a point to thinking about them. I like to ponder on things closer to home.
btw, how's that devilfish tank coming along? it looks like it's going to be sweet! i wish i knew how to model :(

its going well, time consuming, but ive just updated it, anyhoo, most what I said earlier was Hypotheitcal anyway.. but it needed to be to prove a point. :laugh:
if you catch your siamese twin masterbating is that incest ?
oh yeah...

This one always throws people off, but try to think back before you were born. Where you were, What you were doing. And youll know that you have already experienced death and now you can look forward to it later.
fishymumma said:
if you catch your siamese twin masterbating is that incest ?

The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this:

You're a Siamese twin.

Your brother, attached at your shoulder, is gay.

You're not.

He has a date coming over today.

You only have one ass.
How about this one?

You're 100 Miles from home. Go halfway there. Now you're at 50 miles. Go halfway again. 25 Miles. Half that and you should get 12.5 miles. Keep doing that, will you ever get home? No.

Makes you wonder. Will your fingers ever reach the next key on your keyboa
Here are some of the questions that I have always asked:
1) If the universe is expanding, is it just stretching, or actually producing more space?
2) If one were to travel faster than the speed that the universe is expanding, and suddenly touched the edge of the universe, what would happen?
3) Are heaven and hell actually just other dimensions?
4) If absolute zero (0 degrees kelvin) temperature were reached, would time also freeze?
5) If time is infinite, then what was there before the universe was created?

My Jehova's Witness friend answered the 5th question through his way: "There was no time before the universe was created, since God created the concept of time. He is the exception to all rules. "
I think for #4:Thats when just liquid freezes.
And also, the string theory says we're living in 11 dimensions. Hard to imagine?
Here's an example;You're in a movie theatre, you're viewing a 2d projection but you see 3 dimensions.
a house has infinate floors and 8 equal sized rooms per floor

are there more rooms or floors? eh?

if there was a hole straight through the earth and enviormental damage/ oxygen wernt a problem would you bounce back and forth between the grav. pulls infinatley... or would you stick in the middle? maybe you would end up on the other side??
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
a house has infinate floors and 8 equal sized rooms per floor

are there more rooms or floors? eh?

Thats easy, there are n floors and n*8 rooms, so there are 8 times more rooms then floors.
ROD said:
Here are some of the questions that I have always asked:
1) If the universe is expanding, is it just stretching, or actually producing more space?
2) If one were to travel faster than the speed that the universe is expanding, and suddenly touched the edge of the universe, what would happen?
3) Are heaven and hell actually just other dimensions?
4) If absolute zero (0 degrees kelvin) temperature were reached, would time also freeze?
5) If time is infinite, then what was there before the universe was created?

My Jehova's Witness friend answered the 5th question through his way: "There was no time before the universe was created, since God created the concept of time. He is the exception to all rules. "

Very Interesting Questions.
MaxiKana said:
Thats easy, there are n floors and n*8 rooms, so there are 8 times more rooms then floors.
That's what I thought to.
Anyways, here's a questions.
There's a family, it has 1 mother and 1 father & 3 brothers...
And each brother has 1 sister. How many people in the family in total?
These questions don't drive me insane... since no human can comprehend infinity you just simply deal with it, acknowledge it exists, and forget about it.
Either that or delude yourself into thinking the world is flat and supported by 4 turtles in a sea of lemonade, then just not really care about the implications of this.
Tredoslop said:
That's what I thought to.
Anyways, here's a questions.
There's a family, it has 1 mother and 1 father & 3 brothers...
And each brother has 1 sister. How many people in the family in total?

1 mom
1 dad
3 bros.
1 sis.
add them up, 1+1+3+1= 6 people total. (cause each bro has 1 sis, not 3)
Enough of all these silly questions of space, time, numbers, etc. We need to get to the root of the real problems plaguing society today....

Why do they call them "A Pair of Pants" when it's just one item?

This applies to many clothing items and accessories pairs of underwear, glasses, panties, etc. I thought to myself...well...maybe it's because the basis of the item involves pairs of things... like legs for pants..eyes/lenses for glasses...etc. There's at least one exception to this rule's a bra..not a pair of bras. It covers a pair...but yet its name remains singular.
MaxiKana said:
Thats easy, there are n floors and n*8 rooms, so there are 8 times more rooms then floors.
But there are infinite floors. Can a number really be eight times infinity?
Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son.

Who is he? :)

nb - If you've heard this before shhhhhhhhhh.
Bad^Hat said:
Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son.

Who is he? :)

nb - If you've heard this before shhhhhhhhhh.
He is you :D
Bad^Hat said:
Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son.

Who is he? :)

nb - If you've heard this before shhhhhhhhhh.

I'm gonna take a wild guess here. A nephew?
Damn you all! That was on the radio awhile ago and no-one guessed it >_<

I rang up and said 'Jesus'.
If a tree falls in the forest...
That's the phrase I hate the most
If no one is around to hear it...does it make a sound? WTF?!?!?!?! what difference does it make if someone WAS there to hear it. You can't deny it!
/me goes back in time to **** things up and kill the guy who made the saying:D:D:D
Tredoslop said:
If a tree falls in the forest...
That's the phrase I hate the most
If no one is around to hear it...does it make a sound? WTF?!?!?!?! what difference does it make if someone WAS there to hear it. You can't deny it!
/me goes back in time to **** things up and kill the guy who made the saying:D:D:D
But how do you know the tree would bother to make a sound if there wasn't anyone there. If I was a tree i wouldn't waste the effort. :thumbs:
How about this quote that I just remembered: "I'm getting outta here alive if it kills me!"
Sally's father has 6 daughters, their names are..
Yaya, Yeye, Yiyi, Yoyo, Yuyu and ...
What's the sixth daughter's name?
Shuzer said:
Sally's father has 6 daughters, their names are..
Yaya, Yeye, Yiyi, Yoyo, Yuyu and ...
What's the sixth daughter's name?


lol, nope :) Anyone else? I'm sure someone's heard this one before