Questions with CS:S props


Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
I know that a prop_static will not obey physical laws in game. And I know that prop_physics will obey physical laws. However, I noticed that under CS:S, there are also:
(other props as well, but I don't believe they concern my question.
My question is:
What are these other two props intended to do? And which one would be good for filling a level with many models. (ex. A parking lot full of cars)

I have looked at MANY faqs and none seem to answer my question :(
Prop_physics_multiplayer uses a simpler, more bouncy collision detection system. Multiplayer props may also be wholly client-side. Valve used to strongly recommend the entity for any multiplayer map, but nowadays we know that prop_physics is infinitely better except for small things like debris.

Prop_physics_override is used to override the health of a model. It can also apply physical stimulation to any model, even static models. Besides that it's the same as prop_physics.
Hey thanks so much for the reply.
I got one last thing eatin away at me:
When I open up my list of models, all I see are the HL2 models. I have opened the sdk_de_cbble, however, I noticed that map contains models from a "de_cbble" folder. I can't find that folder at all when I open up the models for a prop. Do you know where the CS models are located?
Hey.. I might sould like a retard here but whenever I use prop_pysics_override to get a static prop to appear as physics simulated then either the compiler or source gets angry and just disregards my model entirely. Care to give me a crash course?