Quick question regarding the HL2 beta media


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
As far as videos and screenshots go, would it be OK (as in, Valve would not care) to save the new screenshots and video clips to my computer? I would like someone who knows for sure to clear this up for me, thanks.
I'm sure Valve would care, but honestly, what can they do about it? Unless they go gay like the RIAA and chase after every 9 year old and geriatric person with an illegal file, I'd say do what you want. Not like those are the actual game anyways.

Besides even news channels are posting up screenshots in their articles.
They are? Link me to some news articles doing so, please. I will only save them if I'm absolutely sure Valve would be OK with it.
Why would they be okay with it. People aren't supposed to be able to see the things they're seeing because the game isn't out. Some of the stuff you see might take away some of the surprise you would get if you hadn't seen anything until you played the game. They don't want you to see it, but there's not much they can do unfortunately
Originally posted by toast
Why would they be okay with it. People aren't supposed to be able to see the things they're seeing because the game isn't out. Some of the stuff you see might take away some of the surprise you would get if you hadn't seen anything until you played the game. They don't want you to see it, but there's not much they can do unfortunately

Hmmm, guess I won't, then. Thanks for clearing that up.
wussy lol
dude its in circulation....once on the internet they cant do much about it except stop sights from hostings it and get the people that caused the problem in the first place
Bah, jump on the bandwagon and ruin all the details. Besides, in about a week you probably won't be able to log on halflife2.net nor any other website without seeing some pictures.
whats wrong with seeing some pictures? I agree i dont want the story to be spoiled but id love to see the tech and physics played out. Screw waiting, im an impatient gamer. I wont dl the beta, but i still would like to see some more vids of gabe just messin around with the features. I like those abit more
hey omlette, u might remember me from another fourm, I just wanna say, I know that u are very anti pirating/stealing, I just wanna say though. If you browse the net, and look on sites, u will see the pics, and some people will host movies that will stream, so really u wont have anything on you're computer, and u will get to see what all this fuss is about.

Anyways, I know u'll make the right decision
