Quick question: Who is the guy at the beginning of HL2? *possible spoiler*

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Commenting on the sig ^. I'm a console gamer so I really had no idea. When I look at that post now, along with one right after, I get a chuckle.

I'm a console gamer too, but I thought knowledge of downloading games on Steam was common sense. If you're new to Valve games, it's alright that you didn't know.
I was quoted in a sig on my first day on this site, although it's kind of an embarrassing quote.
I'm pretty sure there's been more embarrassing quips from other members on these forums. *eyes Mech Man* Yeah, I'm talking to you.
The OP's been answered to and the thread is now on the topic of sigs and who is included in them, when they were included, and why they were included.

Let it die, already.
I'm a console gamer too, but I thought knowledge of downloading games on Steam was common sense. If you're new to Valve games, it's alright that you didn't know.

I've never been to Valve's site, so I wouldn't know. I've only played what's in The Orange Box and Counter Strike for the original xbox.
This is why I disliked valve's decision to give consoles The orange box. Damn console-fags. /Me shakes fist at sky.

Edit : I was not trying to be nasty to the guy who asked the question , its just that all the people who played it on consoles don't have a clue about whats going on in game.
Dude, it's a good thing it was released for Consoles because it means more money for Valve, which means more Valve games.

I have The Orange Box on PS3 as well as on PC & it's just as incredible, even more so than it is on my sh*tty PC.
The worst day of my life is when I saw the G-man after encountering the first houdeyes in the original Half-Life back in 1999. It's all been downhill from there; the drug abuse, the promiscuous sex, my life has been a downward spiral without end until I find out who the fvck the G-man is... and by God, I will.
The G-Man is a mystery.

We will never know who he is or what he wants.

Even if it's revealed in Episode Three and we have to fight and kill him, the people will still wonder if VALVe is lying to them.

I blame Portal for that. :|
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