Quick question


Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
I was wondering what the max athlon xp that my mobo can run??

I have looked around and im not that computer smart....and am going to buy a new CPU soon, but not sure the max CPU my mobo can handle?

here is my motherboard model

Can anyone find out my max athlon xp that I can slam into this mobo?
I am currently runing an athlon 1700+
can anyone help me at all ????
I cant seem to find any info on my mobo ?!?! :flame:
Did you build this machine? If I were you, I would upgrade your mobo and processor... Go with the new socket 939 from AMD and something like an ASUS or ABIT mobo with a K8T800 Pro chipset for 939. How much is your budget?
I have about 120 bucls ...so budget is really limited ......

What is the max Athlon xp that my mobo can hold I know it can run up ro 333 FSB
but like athlon 2800+ or athlon 3000+ im so confused
The only spot that I found something about what my mobo supports was on asrocks website..

It was a set of BIOS drivers that lets you use up to 2600+ ...

I want to buy a 3000+ but this little piece of info is holding me back
The max Athlon XP you can put in to your motherboard is a Athlon XP 3000+ (the one with a 333 FSB, not the 400 FSB processor). However you may need to update your bios. Go to Asrock's website and look for a bios update. Follow the bios instructions to the letter, you don't want to accidently screw up your bios.

I would recommend the Athlon XP 2500+ or Athlon XP 2800+ because of their price. I don't think the XP 3000+ is worth the additional cost.
I mean.. im trying to get the biggest boost that I can possible, because I am saving my job money from a whole new computer ..

I want the most out of this one before I trash it ....
skater4evr5 said:
I mean.. im trying to get the biggest boost that I can possible, because I am saving my job money from a whole new computer ..

I want the most out of this one before I trash it ....
Then I would second the recomendation for the 2500+.
Faster clock speed, bus speed and twice as much L2 cache than your 1700+ which will result in a much faster system. How much memory do you have?
I have 512 DDR 2700

im not going to try and overclock anything so.. I need pure power.... for less than 145 bucks ..and the athlon xp 3000+ is about 140...so im confused
Are you guys sure my mobo can handle an athlon xp 3000+ 333 fsb
and is it worth my 145 bucks?
You can go to asrock's website and double check yourself. I've already gone to their website and told you that your motherboard can handle up to a Athlon XP 3000+ (333 FSB model), but it will probably require a bios update.

I have recommended a Athlon XP 2500+ or XP 2800+ because the additional cost for the XP 3000+ (333 FSB model) is worth the additional performance. Even Asus has put in his 2 cents on this matter (and he's da hardware masta).

Is there a specific question you have in mind? We have answered your question and you don't seem happy with our answer. You can get the Athlon XP 3000+ (333 FSB model), but it won't be much faster than the Athlon XP 2800+ but cost a lot more.
I would recommend looking into bumping your total memory up to 1GB by buying another 512MB stick (or at least 256MB).
hey ..when you run aquqmark v3 .. do you get slow downs during the last part??

MASSIVE OVERDRAW ?? I get about 3.4 FPS there..
Asus how much did your whole computer cost ??
Well, if we include both of my monitors, case and everything inside then it costs a little over 1500$. That's what my quick estimation says anyway. ;)
If we add in my UPS, speakers, joystick, and keyboard/mouse then add about 300$.

My FPS in the last scene in Aquamark 3 is 27-35.
what is the advantage of SATA ??

and why is it only 74 gigs .. I have 180 gigs and mine probably cost less than your HD
SATA? It is just an improvment over PATA.
No jumpers
Thin cable that doesn't prevent case air flow.
Faster possible speeds (150MB/sec).

I didn't care about size. This was a OS boot drive with some apps. I have a 80GB drive I have had for sometime that I use for my files and projects. I just wanted a drive that would run very quickly. This drive does that.
also his Raptor is 10,000 RPM which in effect makes his seek times about 4.5ns while yours will be 8-9ns ;)

Yeah , I second (third?) those suggestions.
2500-barton and more ram should be your best budget buy.