quick vid card help please


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
i was looking at this:

and i was looking at this:

any differance other then the newegg version not containing a manual.. i think i can do without it .. or find a pdf somewhere online....
going to try and order tonight and have it by wed.

any help is much appreciated.
(no these aren't the SE.. and is there any reason for these being cheaper then the 9700pros - other then the 97s have tv out??????)

One is made by PowerColor and the other made by Saphire. (I don't think that really makes a difference) And it's probably cheaper than the 9700 Pro because it's non-pro. Although I haven't seen any benchmarks comparing the 9700Pro to the 9800 Non-Pro but you may want to search for some before making your purchase.
well, one is made by sapphire, and one is made by Polorcolor. Sahppire is, imo, a better company. At least worth 10 dollars.

i just got this off of another hardware forum; does this look correct??
if so, i think i will make the purchase.

325/290 9800
380/340 9800 PRO
325/310 9700 PRO

slight increase w/ room for me to still overclock faster then the 97p... i think i could settle for that if it meant saving 50.00;;;
Looks like that's it, I was worried that ATI had cut some pipelines out but it does look to be just an underclocked 9800pro so I'd say go for it.
thanks, ordered the sapphire.

by the end of the week i'll be ready for half-life 2... and broke again.
Good choice. Sapphire is a much better company. OEM just means you won't get a fancy looking box and a manual. Who needs that anyway.