Quiz: How f**king American are you?

seinfeldrules said:
Yeah it seems kinda questionable.

Yeah, because I really have no idea what it is about. It could either be a negative extreme overexageration of conservatives or a funny extreme overexageration of conservatives. Not sure which...

I thought it was just satirising politics in the media generally, but I could be wrong.

I got bleeding heart liberal, by the way.

Probably was the car question that did me in. I don't have a car anymore, so there was no way I could answer truthfully.
Team America: World Police could easily become one of the next great cult movies. Can't wait to see it.
qckbeam said:
I'm so turned on by that

So you like skinny boys? :O

Bleeding heart liberal by the way, which I'm not, I just don't identify with most of the questions: like baseball games and cars.
K e r b e r o s said:
How can you be a bleeding heart Liberal Sprafa? :D

By answering the right asnwers in that stupid thing :p
I'm an Un-American Commie Pinko!

OH YEAH :afro:
Woo! Bleeding Heart Liberal.

I wonder how many people answered Ben Affleck.
Horny & Happy American. I feel bad.

But I do like the statement: "There's an American trapped inside every human being, trying to get out" though :E