
Magnusson says something else after or before that microwave thing, I liked it but can't remember what it was.
(As Freeman descents to tackle the supression cannon.)
Rebel to Alyx: "So, is that your boyfriend?"

That made me laugh.

Hahahaha! Awesome. I never heard that one. So funny. I love Valve.

I have to agree that Magnusson has some of the best lines. But overall, the facial expressions were the best in the game. Really something to relate to naturally, almost taking for granted that people were giving "a look".
Also, I like that there was swearing in the game. Not excessive to be annoying, but enough to make it more realistic. There were a few times when I was like g.d. it! And then Eli would say it, or something to that effect.

BTW, I don't remember the "saving the crates" scene.
When you're in the ant lion caves, there are those double carts that fall into the chasm below--but they contain 4 crates. If you get them all out, the vort says stuff...I never got them all out though. :(

I loved the vort's dialogue when he was with you and would constantly chatter about your recent actions...great stuff.

Gonna have to listen for the "Is that your boyfriend?", I'm coming up to that part...again. :)
Rebel Screams: ''Take it down!'' (To a Combine Helicopter)..and miliseconds after that he is shot to death.

I just lol'ed so hard.
GiaOmerta said:
Rebel to Alyx: "So, is that your boyfriend?"

I actually hung around there a moment to see if Alyx would answer, but as far as I can tell she didn't. Bummer. ;)

Funny quote (paraphrase) ...

Magnusson, during the second (?) communication with White Forest:

"What's that? You're heading our way? I should hope so!"

Funny turn of events (paraphrase) ...

The vort, after you ride the elevators up from the 'bug spray' area and the ant lions and zombies are still fighting down below:

"Look how they fight on below, heedless of our presence."

I swear, at that very moment, the vort turned and looked at me and a giant gob of that ant lion spooge came up and blasted him in the back of the head. If only I'd been hitting the screen capture button right then ...
No one's mentioned when Alyx complains how Gordon and his suit are inseparable?
Generic Radio Guy in White Forest:
"I hate myself."
So many great lines.

Some of the emotional ones where great, like Eli talking about grandchildren...

Then there was the Radio Operator claiming to beat down Hunters with his bare fists.

But my favourite mustve been when Magnusson yelling as the rocket took off. Heck, everything Magnusson says pretty much is gold. :p
Checkly to Griggs (or other way around) during the Antlion event.

"Next time you see a bug on me, get it off."
"I didn't see it"
"Ya Sure!, they're only 5 ft tall!"

or something like that
Actually, you see several when you get teleported about during the resonance cascade.

But you only fight them in the corridor though. Two of them at once, blasting through the door. Bastards.

Actually, I didn't use the crowbar, I had nades' :D
Actually, I didn't use the crowbar, I had nades' :D

Oh no you didn't! I remember that section. You have to skip along the corridor to the right to get 'nades. This was directly after you faced off against the houndeye pack with your pistol. You can take on the Vortigaunt pair with your pistol, but it's easier to close in and beat them to death with your crowbar.
Nope, I used nades too :P You can pop off to the right and up the ladder to the nade room (near where Gman was) before the vort blows the door.