R.I.P HL2 Hype


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
It's been almost a month and a half since the delay was announced, and there has been absolutely no new HL2 info/news/media etc. from Valve. Also, the HL2 general forum is right now at an all time slow point, since there is nothing to discuss. What does all this mean? The once mighty HL2 hype machine is starving to death, and it needs some fuel before it is completely overtaken by many other great games in development.

HL2 has had NO NEW MEDIA since e3 except for the DX9 vid (the steam videos don't count, as they are just high quality vids of previously released content), and very, very little new info has been released since then. Despite the lack of media and info, the hype was still massive months later since this is after all the most technologically advanced game ever, not to mention that it was said to have outstanding single player and multiplayer.

It's been around 5 months since e3, and we dont even see any media on the horizon, and this is a game thats been in development for 5 years? Come on, we've been patient for months now, how hard is it to release some screens from the latest build?

In late September, about 5 days from release, the dreaded delay was announced. People lashed out at Valve for the delay, but once source got leaked, the entire gaming community was feeling very sympathetic for Valve, and we deservedly cut them some slack, as there were major security holes to patch up.

But it's been about a month and a half, and we haven't heard ANYTING about the status of HL2. I'm not specifically talking about release dates, as those can be hard to pin down, but just a little status report saying what they're up to. And they can't possibly be far from done right now. They've had 5 years to work on this game, and unless they've been playing spider solitaire on their comps (although I'm sure they have better taste in games :cheese: ) for the last 5 years, they sould be at the very least, almost done by now. And if they are at that stage, why don't they make a quick press release saying so?

Unless Valve wants to lose massive holiday sales, they better hurry up and get this puppy out, unless there are major issues that cant be quickly fixed in a patch. Otherwise, oil the aging hype machine, and keep us hungry for this game with some new media or info. The competition is tough, and its only going to get tougher if they wait on this, because they aren't the only game in town.
Hl2 i really dead to me now, I will buy it when it comes out but no news is discouraging. Lurking is about all i will do for a while.
Is it just me, or have I and Chris_D PMed you about that sig? Please shorten it, before someone else does.

Thank you.
Originally posted by coolio2man
Hl2 i really dead to me now, I will buy it when it comes out but no news is discouraging. Lurking is about all i will do for a while.

In a gaming dryspell until STALKER, Far Cry, D3 or HL2 comes out, oh wait.. XIII, forgot all about that, other than that, I'm not looking forward to much else
But Ghost we must know of this leet computer!

Nah not really

As for hl2 hype..

yea... whatever *shrugs* <- my hl2 hype as of now :)
My hype left about 2 or 3 weeks ago... Still want it, but theres no point in getting too excited about something so far away.
Originally posted by Shuzer
Doug = best. cartoon. EVER.

With the likes of Samurai Jack, Family Guy, Futurama, the Simpsons, and god only knows how many Anime (depending on one's taste) that's just a rediculous statement... at least, in my opinion, to each his own.
Originally posted by Chazz
With the likes of Samurai Jack, Family Guy, Futurama, the Simpsons, and god only knows how many Anime (depending on one's taste) that's just a rediculous statement... at least, in my opinion, to each his own.

Actually, I only said that because the other guy said "WANANA! Jack Bandit!"

it brought back some good memories of being younger :)
welcome to the wild world of Valve.

This same exact thing happened in 1999 with a little thing called Team Fortress 2. Month and a half? BAH! Try 4 years WITHOUT A PEEP.

Like I said, welcome to the wild world of Valve.
Originally posted by CreedoG
welcome to the wild world of Valve.

This same exact thing happened in 1999 with a little thing called Team Fortress 2. Month and a half? BAH! Try 4 years WITHOUT A PEEP.

Like I said, welcome to the wild world of Valve.

Good point. Although it probably won't go that far. I mean, think of all the DNF jokes.

Anyway, here is something to get your hype level back up.


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I think the whole Half Life community needs a little boost in spirits, thus Valve should give us a heads up on wtf is going on, atleast a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
My hype died as well. I still think it'll be cool when it comes out. I just think it'll be a mediocre game by then.

It is a pretty slow time for games right now...so I got True Crime to pass the...days (avoiding lame rhyme). Lots of fun, short story, but good replay value for random crimes. I want some of my wishlist games to come out...but...that's not gonna happen until 2004 :(

EDIT: My hype has died enough that I hardly post in the general discussion forum anymore.. mostly off-topic.
Yeah...Hype, dead and buried.

Been looking at other games...
Played Halo(way better than console, noyhing beats mouse and keyboard for FPS) and just got COD.......wow!!!
I think the beta leak helped kill the hype quite alot because people didn't have to speculate about weapons and gameplay, they could just play it for them selves. It's just a waiting game now for us...
Allowed or not allowed?

What is the stroy with what we can or cannot talk about on this forum in regards to the leak. I am a new member to this site, but have played half life for many years and was looking froward to HL2 when edge magazine claimed it would be out in sept 30th:bounce: However this leak ha spoiled that and we now have this long wait, i mean christmas is expensive enough on my wallet without this wait and the fact thiat i can't talk to anyone about this. Oh well ill just have to please myself with star wars:knights of the old republic.!;(
Seems alot of the forum members really have given up hope.

I should to, but im to stubborn.
Hl2 will come out december, and i will finnaly use my radeon 9800 for the game i bought it for.
If it comes out for Holidays - WOOHOO. If it comes out April, well I won't be playing it until late June as I'm out of the country for a couple of months. But WHENEVER it comes out, my decade will be made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
Hype also dead here :(

they had SUCH a good start.....but now it's just not the same.

The game will still be great (for me), and I will get it the day it comes out, but that initial "Holy *$%^!" moment is gone. Even if it comes out in December, I just don't think I can get that feeling back (but I will still enjoy the game!).
Well, the game HL2 isn't coming out till April *2005*.

In a few months this place will be known as: "Hl2.net: the Forum of No Hope".

HL2 fans will grow to understand the pain of the people who followed Team Fortress 2 and received the special Valve silence treatment.

Sept 30th, 2003 was all about creating marketing hype to sell you a video card. Valve has got their cash and the fans have received nada, niet, zip, zero, zipall, zilch, oh..... wait..... a HL2 coupon!! LOL

How will it end.... How will it all end?????
I will still buy the game, (i spent the last 5 years in a asylum saying : " HL² will come" over and over ) now its sure ill buy it but since the hype is definatly dead, i wont have the same feel when ill play (especially the first time) , if i ever get to play! :(
I dunno. I think you all claim its lost its "feeling", only because we're in a dryspell. Once we get information, perhaps new videos, screens, and a release date, everything will come back alive and you'll all be excited again.. That's my take on it
geeze.. this thread sounds like someone's dog died or something..

cheer up guys.. seriously, its not the end of the world :p
Originally posted by Shuzer
I dunno. I think you all claim its lost its "feeling", only because we're in a dryspell. Once we get information, perhaps new videos, screens, and a release date, everything will come back alive and you'll all be excited again.. That's my take on it

I hope so.... ;(
"Sept 30th, 2003 was all about creating marketing hype to sell you a video card. Valve has got their cash and the fans have received nada, niet, zip, zero, zipall, zilch, oh..... wait..... a HL2 coupon!! LOL" Keeson

I feel sorry for all the people that bought the Radeon 9800 XT for $500 hoping to find a HL2 disc inside then opened the box and only found a small paper instead.

The big downside here is that if the game doesn't come out soon then Valve would have more time to add new things and possibly make HL2 run slower than it already does. Probable the worst that could happen is that Microsoft comes out with directX 10. Then Valve delays HL2 even longer to implement DX10. Then more expensive DX10 video cards will come out, and everybody who spent X amounts of money on a DX9 video card just so they could experience HL2 in all its glory would be forced to experience HL2 in only DX9. This is the worst case scenario though.

P.S. Leaving us in the dark like Valve did with TF2 would be just as bad.
Right now "don't know" means " don't know ", not 'we know but won't tell you".

From Radeon to the stores, it's the same thing.

I dunno. I think you all claim its lost its "feeling", only because we're in a dryspell. Once we get information, perhaps new videos, screens, and a release date, everything will come back alive and you'll all be excited again.. That's my take on it

Exactly. Patience, young Padawan, all will be clear after I bop you on the head with a Bantha's breakfast :bounce: :cheese:

"But what does a Bantha HAVE for breakfast, anyway??, Master?"

"Anything it wants, you twit :) :)"
Dx 10 won't come out for a few years yet, and i doubt hl2 will be delayed that long...
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Dx 10 won't come out for a few years yet, and i doubt hl2 will be delayed that long...

Change I doubt to won't, and tada!
I was doing a really good job of not over exciting myself with Half-Life 2 and the impending release but as it got closer and closer to Sept 30th and no offical word I started to get really excited... I couldn't help it, then they announced a Holiday release date, but now all my hype is out the window because they don't communicate with us at all anymore. People were getting interesting e-mail reply's from the developers every day and new media started to come, we could even chat with them on Steam... now, nothing... absolutely no word on an estimate, no new media not even the benchmark is out yet. My old system was starting to get slow on me so I went and started building a new machine, I even got a $500 Radeon 9800XT in my system (It runs Half-Life 1 and Counter-Strike Great) Just like my last computer did 4 years ago! I want some new media, some information, anything, I feel like since they got hacked they don't even care about the community anymore. I just want them to give us a final date so I don't have to check halflife2.net every single day in hopes of seeing a news post about the game's offical release date.
Who'd of guessed a 9800XT would run HL and CS great? :)
HL2 never deserved so much hype, we hyped it up wayyyyy too much. Then came the beta revelations and the hype died out after that.
I know this game won't become a TF2, because Valve has put all their profits into this game, and can't afford it to turn into TF2/Duke Nukem Forever...etc.

As for the hype..etc, I don't really care when it comes out....I mean, i'll PROBABLY buy it when it's out...especially if it comes out over the holidays (not likely....). But if it's out April 2004..or later, I'll buy it when I get around to it, since I'll be golfing and refereeing a lot of hockey that month...I dunno, I still want the game....just not NEARLY as much as I did.

edit: But I hate how there's not much of an incentive (spelling) for Valve to really rush to get this game out...people will buy it pretty much no matter what....so what's the rush? They could wait until late next year really...it may hurt sales a LITTLE, but not anything drastic...Especially since a lot of people who don't have computers that can run it now, may have good computers then.

edit2: did I kind of contradict my self a little? Well, I mean they can wait a year or so....and it wouldn't matter too much, I don't mean five years.
Hmm, something inside me says that its bette if HL2 comes around april, cause its summer then and I think everything is so much more fun then, play games to, now everything sucks. Are the green-cards hard to come around these days? ;)
Originally posted by Hipshot
Hmm, something inside me says that its bette if HL2 comes around april, cause its summer then and I think everything is so much more fun then, play games to, now everything sucks. Are the green-cards hard to come around these days? ;)

#1: Summer doesn't begin in April.

#2: Summer is usually the worst season for sales. Because people, you know, go outside.