

May 18, 2003
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I was just wondering...this is sort of a tie-in to the HL2 Theories thread...do any of you have any hypotheses on what Race-X is? I know that they came after Gordon jumped in the portal because they needed to wait for the rift to enlarge to transport their queen through, but are they just a side-effect, or do you think G-Man planned that (if he indeed did orchestrate the events that occured in HL)? Also, do you think that they'll serve any purpose in HL2, or were they just a poor excuse for Gearbox to introduce 'new enemies'? Just something to discuss,

Race-X ? never heard of it, lol thats shows i'm behind with the HL2 hype :D
Agh, probably should've elaborated a bit. Race-X was a new alien race that was shown in Op4. You kill the Queen at the end.

I think its more of a poor excuse for new enemies ":)
To some extent, i would agree with EVIL, but i think it could be fairly easy to make up a story for them :P I would say that they are an alien race trying to take advantage of the beseiged Earth... Which is what i also think the Combine are. Just so happens Race-X got their arses kicked by Mr. Shepard. Muahahahaha.
Honestly, that Queen was a bit of a disappointment as a final boss. Take gauss cannon one. Shoot eye. Take gauss cannon two. Shoot other eye. Take out sniper rifle/whatever high-damage weapon you have, shoot orb. Rinse and repeat. Nihlanth, however, was fairly hard and was fun too. I liked the final scene with the G-man, though.

Old thread I know, just bumping it up because of how few responses it garnered. It's something that hasn't been brought up much.
I reckon it was an excuse to bring in new enemies.... but what the hell, they were fun to kill.....except the boss...

night night all

/me ambles off to my sett
What DID the GMan say at the end of Op4? I forget.

I think Race-X fits into the concept of Xen being a border world and Nil being the one that keeps the barriers up: once Nilhanth went down, all sorts of alien worlds could access any other.
G-man: So, corporal Shephard, did we meet at last! Please, don’t think that I’ve been avoiding you, great many matters require my attention in this troubled times, I do hope you understand. And now I require a further indulgence on your part. I can not close my report until every loose end has been tied up. The biggest embarrassment has been, Black Mesa facility, but I think that’s finally taking care of itself.

G-man: Quite so.

G-man: But there is still the lingering matter of witnesses. I admit, I have a fascination with those, who adopt and survive against all odds. They rather remind me on myself, if for no other reason, I have argued to preserve you for a time.

G-man: While I believe a civil servant like yourself, understands the importance of discretion. My employers are not quite so trusting and rather than continually subjective to the irresistible human temptation of telling all, we have decided to convey you somewhere you can do no possible harm. And where no harm can come to you. I’m sure, you can imagine there are worse alternatives.
Your never visited Race X's planet... nor was their much mention of them..... Personally I rather liked killing them, they were fun to kill :)
Opforce is kinda confusing. In some ways I think the story is separate from HL's, but it's very similar, suggesting that the same writer was used. They even have the original voice actors in there. Even if this were true though it might not be officially 'accepted' by Valve.

eg - they helped make it but it's not true :D
Well, personally, I can see them Bringing Back Corpral Shepard in an Offical Add-on for HL2...
I believe that there is a need for all the add-ons for Half-Life, as they fit into the bigger plot of the game...
As I can see the game continuing on into the fore seeable future, with Valve elaborating on the story.... May-be all the story has been already writtern, and they are just making the games in parts, Like each Chapter or new book... Maybe once they've finished they will publish the book?

But who knows, and I just hope to see the old people from the original back in the new, even if it's for just one last time, it'll still all be worth it...
Maybe we will be introduced to a new race, a race that shares one thing with Gordon and the resistance, the Xen and the Combine.
Or are Race-X and Xen the same?
Originally posted by Stone
Well, personally, I can see them Bringing Back Corpral Shepard in an Offical Add-on for HL2...
I believe that there is a need for all the add-ons for Half-Life, as they fit into the bigger plot of the game...
As I can see the game continuing on into the fore seeable future, with Valve elaborating on the story.... May-be all the story has been already writtern, and they are just making the games in parts, Like each Chapter or new book... Maybe once they've finished they will publish the book?

But who knows, and I just hope to see the old people from the original back in the new, even if it's for just one last time, it'll still all be worth it...

That sounds ver logical, and good. In the latest PCGamer it is mentioned that HL3 is being constructed or that they'r waiting for a time to beginning development. We might just se HL3 4 years from now.
I have little doubt that we'll get and unexpected surprise in HL2, like a new ally or a unforseen event.
I found this interview with the HL story writer Marc Laidlaw. Bascially I think he's saying the story flows along with HL, but its not that important to it.

GS: Were you involved in the storylines of other Half-life titles such as Opposing Force and Blue Shift? If not, were they 'qualified' writers such as yourself?

ML: Gearbox pulled a lot of the background information for OpFor and Blue Shift from background material I had written concerning the events surrounding the Black Mesa Incident. I peeked in from time to time, made sure there were no big departures from the Half-Life storyline, and otherwise left them alone to work out their story as they saw fit. I think they did a great job and proved their qualifications where it really counts.

Thats fine... Xen aliens don't take much part either.. it's basically all new... which is nice :)

Marc Laidlaw is a very good writer methinks... it's all part of the grand plan :)
All this time I was trying to piece together the events in Opfor trying to figure how they tied into the original and the other add-ons (decay, blue shift) and then to hear laidlaw say that he let them "do whatever they want" while he peeked in from time to time is disappointing. Gj laidlaw, you made sure they didn't get "TOO" far from the story, which means the addons story was pretty much useless and just another marketing ploy. Way to ruin a good plot.
In what way is it ruined? I think they'll tie things together. You should have soe faith in Mr.Laidlaw since he wrote the great story of Half-Life...