Racist paradigm


Aug 6, 2004
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It's an amateur documentary but has some really insightful clips in it.

(However it's not obligatory for this debate)

May i start with the statement
The best defense of racism is to pretend it doesn't exist

I'm not sure i would fully agree with that statement.
I generally don't consider myself a racist. But i'm sure i have some subconscious prejudices installed by the mass media...
A real provoking thought would be do you see other "races" as beautiful?
I personally believe one should judge a person on what he does not how he looks, but still...you can't deny the fact that aesthetics are also a factor.

Personally from an aesthetically POV i judge male subjects by their size. As in if they are bigger than me i find them generally intimidating and might react more negatively when dealing with them. (i'm 6 feet and 170 pounds....which makes me joe average).
My general idea of how an african american looks is like

Which is pretty intimidating if someone like that approaches you on the street. But then again it would be the same if it was a white person.
As for women i don't really have any preconceived ideas, both "races" have beautiful examples or ugly.

Generally i am kinda in favor of Asian women....because they are usually smaller and i like women that are smaller than me, so it kinda goes hand in hand really. :D Don't take that as an insult.

For "brown" people...meh never really though about it. They look white-ish.

But like i've said, skin colour or other traits are not really that decisive. But size and attitude is.
Like the time we had a black canadian as a teacher, but he was skinny as hell. My first feelings were, ok he looks really fragile and he's educated. The fact that he's black never really crossed my mind too often.
By educated i mean...that i'm generally biased against non educated people. That's why i don't like gangsta rap and why i'm more into metal, because metal is more of a "higher" music amongst the other popular ones.

Not that size is the alpha and omega but i kinda got this prejudice when going out drinking and stuff. Generally if you're dealing with a smaller person you feel less threatened than if it is a bruiser. Because in reality the bigger guy would beat the crap out of you much easier than the smaller. Unless you have weapons with you yes, but that's a different story. Also generally in crowds the smaller ones get to pull the short one. It has probably alot to do with the animal side of us.

So...what is your opinion on race, how do you perceive it if you do, what are your subconscious prejudices,...?
What the ****

does jverne have a fetish for black men?
Just a quick tip. You need to think things through before you post, not while you post.
Just a quick tip. You need to think things through before you post, not while you post.

I agree with you, i generally just think about it as i write. It's one of my bad habits.
black men are likely to give you a rectum full of cum yet are too cheap to buy you a $2.99 shrimp dinner at Long John Silvers

no really:

""We're hooked on the Penis Power and this man won't even buy you some shrimp from Long John Silver and that plate's what, $2.99? But he can give you a mouth full of sperm and a rectum full of sperm. We have to see what our issue is, because a man like that does not respect a woman.".

Everyone is racist in some facet, period. If I'm walking down the street and a group of black guys dressed in gang attire (we all know what I mean by gang attire) are in front of me, I'm walking to the other side of the street. Call it bigotry, I don't really care. All I know is that my ipod and wallet are safe and live to be taken another day.

But no, I'm not generally racist in most situations. It could be a group of white guys...just saying.

And let's not pretend that this so called group of blacks (perceived to be a gang) has not racial undertones...pure bullshit. I'm not risking confrontation because I stand behind my false sense of racial equality.
What if its a bunch of white guys dressed in ganster attire walk toward you?


I'd totally let her do me.

I absolutely stereotype people; everybody does to some extent. If some kid shows me his car:

without even knowing his name I'm pretty damn sure I wont like him.
the street and a group of black guys dressed in gang attire (we all know what I mean by gang attire) are in front of me, I'm walking to the other side of the street.

I dont see why that's racist. wouldnt you do the same if the gang members were white or asian?

I'm not racist. I may be biased towards my own culture but I dont look at people and judge them based on race. I think this is what most people mean when they say everyone has some racism to them. cultural bias yes, out and out racism? much less so ..however that doesnt mean it's not a problem. also some people may use cultural bias to mask their racism which further confuses the problem
Everyone is racist in some facet, period. If I'm walking down the street and a group of black guys dressed in gang attire (we all know what I mean by gang attire) are in front of me, I'm walking to the other side of the street. Call it bigotry, I don't really care. All I know is that my ipod and wallet are safe and live to be taken another day.

It doesn't matter that they're black... it matters if they look rough and up to no good(edit: starting making trouble in the neighborhood). If it were a bunch of mean looking white people dressed up as white supremacists or some shit, I'd try to steer clear as well.

For me... it's if the people look scary that I feel uneasy, not the color of their skin.

Also... most of the time that group of people dressed in "gang" attire are really just a group of friends who want to look like their favorite rappers and are just your typical youth and are nothing to worry about. They may be smart asses like any other group of friends and give you lip... but just ignore it.
But wether they are scary to you has everything to do with the color of their skin. A white guy dressed up as a gangster makes you laugh. A black guy wearing the same thing scares you. That's a factor of race.
But wether they are scary to you has everything to do with the color of their skin. A white guy dressed up as a gangster makes you laugh. A black guy wearing the same thing scares you. That's a factor of race.

Maybe the color of their skin has something to do with it for you, but not for me. Black people dressed up like your typical rapper don't make me nervous. It's a common youth attire.

Unless I know I'm in a bad area that might be frequented by gangs, I don't worry about it. 99% of the time they're not going to **** with you anyway, especially not if you hold your ground and don't divert your path from them.

If you start worrying about every god damn kid wearing baggy pants and a puffy jacket or with chains from their necks... you're going to have a miserable life.
A black guy wearing the same thing scares you. That's a factor of race.

What if it's not race, what if it's the statistics? I'm just playing the devil's advocate here, but if black people commit the most crimes and are in the most gangs, wouldn't it be safer for you to avoid them?

Maybe an analogy could be made to countries. If columbia had the crime rate of norway, do you think more people might vacation in columbia?
maybe in the US but we have brown people dressed like gangsters or asians or latinos or russians or whatever. he may look like a dumbass but if anything that makes him even more dangerous because dumbasses dont think about the consequences of their actions

also the US, from my experience is much more segregated than canada. if you see a group of black guys hanging out of the corner chances are you've stumbled into a ghetto. not so with canada ..we tend to drop ghettos right in the middle of normal communities ..which istn all that great either
Our species is not subdivided into races. I thought I explained that just last week.
Our species is not subdivided into races. I thought I explained that just last week.

apparently it is seeing as i'm asked my race every time i make a doctor's appointment.
Your doctor's receptionist is wrong.
Certain ethnicities are more predisposed to certain medical conditions than others. That's probably why.

Black people for example have a higher risk of heart disease.
Certain ethnicities are more predisposed to certain medical conditions than others. That's probably why.

Black people for example have a higher risk of heart disease.

Yeah, Eejit's just objecting to the use of the word 'race', methinks.
I'm pretty sure once the first successful bio-engineered people will pop up, there will be huge discrimination. Those people will be in general smarter and stronger. Competing with them will be futile.
It won't happen tomorrow but if technological progress continues as it does i bet my ass it will eventually.
Might be a bit early to worry, but think of it...your children or grandchildren might have to compete with genetically improved persons.
It's not that far fetched, we're doing it to animals right now, cloning the best breeds. Eventually the non engineered kind will faze out and only the improved ones will remain, but it will surely suck to be the transient generation.
Really i have no doubt that it will happen...why wouldn't it, the technology is getting closer and closer each day?
the one thing those genetically engineered babies won't have though is a gun. I won't let them phase me out!
I'm pretty sure once the first successful bio-engineered people will pop up, there will be huge discrimination. Those people will be in general smarter and stronger. Competing with them will be futile.
It won't happen tomorrow but if technological progress continues as it does i bet my ass it will eventually.
Might be a bit early to worry, but think of it...your children or grandchildren might have to compete with genetically improved persons.
It's not that far fetched, we're doing it to animals right now, cloning the best breeds. Eventually the non engineered kind will faze out and only the improved ones will remain, but it will surely suck to be the transient generation.
Really i have no doubt that it will happen...why wouldn't it, the technology is getting closer and closer each day?

There's a big difference between selective breeding of animals and plants and making genetically-optimised humans. With one you're selecting based on phenotype - easy to evaluate - while with the other you're relying on genotype - much more difficult for this purpose. Epistasis being the big factor here.
Could one eventually engineer for certain eye colour blood types, against lethal recessive genes or genes known to contribute to diseases? Sure.
Will we be able to do the same for things such as intelligence, fitness, personality traits? Rather unlikely, if ever it'd be centuries from now and society as a whole would be so different your current concerns would probably be obsolete.