Radeon 9500 better then 9600?

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
I've been planning on getting a new video card and I was planning on getting the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro until I read a couple of posts on this forum that the 9500 is a better video card then the 9600. I haven't found that much information about the 9500 so I was wondering what makes the 9500 better then the 9600 and how much does the 9500 cost?
Just looking at newegg:
9600 124$
9600 PRO 148$
9500 120$
9500 PRO 205$

I would say the 9600 Pro is the best deal... But true, the 9500 IS faster, though the 9600 Pro is probably faster than the 9500 non pro (and the 9500 Pro is the fastest of them). I dont know the exact speeds though, havent looked much into reviews... You can get a 9800 for $259 though, that I would definetly say is the best deal!

edit: Ah! Need to stop with the thoughs :)
Wow. I didn't know about newegg.com. Thanks a lot! I'll probably get the ATI Radeon 9800 now. How do they sell it for so cheap? At CompUSA its $300. Is there something different about this card?

CompUSA Card: Radeon 9800 Video Card, 8x AGP, 128MB DDR
The non Pro 9800 runs at the same clock speeds as the 9700 Pro, but since it uses a 9800 chip, it probably can be overclocked fairly easy, maybe just using unlock drivers or a bios flash.
The 9500np(non pro) can be soft modded to a 9700np. It just takes a driver and some knowledge.

9600=teh {{SUCK}}
Originally posted by bx|ch3f_0z
The 9500np(non pro) can be soft modded to a 9700np. It just takes a driver and some knowledge.

9600=teh {{SUCK}}

Sure, if you cans still find one to be modded. Anyways, even if you find it and mod it, it has to run with no artifacts and fairly stable.
Hmm, well maybe if you were smart enough to know you cant mod that one. It has to be a 9500np that is RED, with L shaped memory.
Yeah, to mod the 9500 to a 9700 you need the red pcb with the 9700 shaped memory modules.

If you're ino OCing, the 9600pro is the way to go, 100+mhz core OC with standard cooling.

the 9500pro, however, has 8 pipelines, which allows for some smoother gameplay...
i got a 9500np with a red 9700-pcb, and tough luck - the mod worked but when it's modded it freezes in games, so i can't use it as a 9700 :eek:

ah well, i OC'ed pretty good, 100+ on the core.