Rag Doll Kung Fu Pre-load Available

nicely, i look at kung fu board after downloading and it says it should have been available to me 53 minutes ago.

well its not, what a cock up, and there was me bothering to actually stay awake to have a go at the game. ffs
I did check my timezone, I waited until it was supposed to be released (ie 12.00 at night. yes I catually bothered staying up) and then its a case of; "btw its not out yet,, haha u stayed up to play on our game" :flame:

Where did it state a midnight release?
Well, I already pre-ordered the game... but I couldn't resist the urge to play it a day or two early. I know. I'm weak. Well, that and I wanted to test my HL2 and CSS skins to check for errors before the game is released. Anyway, this is what they currently look like (well, apart from the animated GIF part) on the menu where you import custom skins:


After I fix some minor issues on a couple of them I'll upload the PNG files.
Well, since I can't actually do much playing without being able to see any text on the menu or in-game (and I deleted the non-Steam version before I found out), I thought I might as well use the time to fix some issues with the skins by checking them out in a third-party skin viewer program. I corrected some minor placement issues that were making the legs and feet look weird in certain positions. Here are the newer versions:

PS: Make some other skins! I don't want to be the only one doing it.

EDIT: Oh, and I can't edit the previous post. That's why I made a new one...
Nice Skins!

Post your skins on http://www.rdkf.net
you can even add them to the download section (when it's working again)

There's already a HL2 Combine Elite Soldier and a Zombie skin posted on the forum.

I did a Skeleton, still needs a few adjustments, and i'm already working on 2 more skins.