Ragdoll Collide Command please!

Vito Dintino

Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Im terribly sorry, i know this has already been answered, but i had no luck searching :'( can anyone tell me what the command to make the bodies collide with eatchother when they are dead is? like somthing_ragdoll_collide 1 or somthing im not sure! thank you very much :naughty:
cl_ragdoll_collide [0,1] - If set to 1, prevents characters from merging into each other due to ragdoll effects, thereby improving realism with no real performance hit.
joule said:
cl_ragdoll_collide [0,1] - If set to 1, prevents characters from merging into each other due to ragdoll effects, thereby improving realism with no real performance hit.
There is no real performance hit unless you start stacking bodies 3 deep, which I do quite often...
BetaMaster said:
I've done this, but it doesn't work. Why?
It should work.

cl_ragdoll_collide 0
cl_ragdoll_collide 1

Make sure that is what you are entering.
1 enables.
0 disables.
I enable it, and they still dont' "collide" :p has something to do with model quality *major stab in the dark*
It works for me, except when I try to use it with the blue gravity gun.
This command works in Counter Strike: Source, but it doesn't seem to work in Half-Life 2.
I have everything maxxed. and I've typed in cl_ragdoll_collide 1 many times, during the beginning of each game.