Ragdoll Question



I was wondering, could you have a player model go into ragdoll physics mode? (As the player is controlling it) Could you have something trigger it, such as a crowbar hit? Sorry if I have posted in wrong forum :p
This is the right forum.

I think you could do somthing like that. But, do you mean like, going into ragdoll and the player totaly loosing control? I don't really see how you would use this.

But then again, im not sure if ragdoll physics aply to the player.
wut i want to know is if physics and animations could be blended, like have the animation take place but have it also interact with objests.or soemthing. or if it like knows your going to die from falling and starts and animation of u falling to your death, but still have u looink in fps.
didnt they have u go into fp rag doll mode in far cry when u die?
What I mean is, lets say you get hit by a car, but you DON'T die (and you fly thru the air).. Could ragdoll mode occur while the player is in control of that helpless flying character?
youll prolly just go up and down like in all FPS games, atleast thats what I think. Ragdoll after dying, now thats a different topic.
Yeah, FarCry did it when you died and it was SWEET! Haha! Oh, and the car thing... weeeeeeeee! I hope so...
No.. Lets say someone was watching you get hit by the car.. Could they see the ragdoll mode thingy happen?

edit - AND the guy doesnt die when he gets hit..
ragdoll after dyin got totally normal, i think that ragdoll could be used on a npc when knocked down, but i think vlave said they tried this while the player was in control and they didnt like it, so like in one of the e3 kids (the one where he gets hit by the ant lion guard, u just get a thrown up in the air and your view gets distorted for a sec.

edit: ok i see what u mean, i dont think its in beause ragdoll is not bound to animations and when the player sees himself get knocked back he keeps running when he steps foot on the ground again, while the person watching him would have a dramaic effect, he sees a ragdoll and then he sees you run , both in a slipt second. i guess it could be done if the ragdoll was indepent form the player and knew when he hit forward and used that to induce and animation so it would bet up wiht your view...
Im guessin that if the car hits you and you die, then yeah you would prolly rag doll, but if the car hits you and you die, ull prolly just go throught the air
GAHH.. What I mean is, IS IT POSSIBLE.. For RAGDOLL physics.. to be IMPLEMENTED.. into a character controlled by the PLAYER.. that has NOT died..
Gabe said that they tried doing this, but decided not to because it is hard to simmulate player movement. And stop PMSing
Damn... no weeeeeeeeee for me. Piss. Why do people have to flail around so much when they're sent flying anyway... silly little things.
Im sorry for "PMSing" -- Or whatever you'd like to call it, or just trying to "find an answer"..

Mr-Fusion!! Thx for the info!

That's what I needed lol :angry:
hm i was thinking stuff could knock you over into a ragdoll, and then an appropriate animation could be carried out for getting yourself back to your feet

The ragdolls would have to be be set to be a bit stiffer so as to no land into arkward positions...

Eh could work
i think if its not implemented it should be....just blend the animations, into the ragdoll mod when it occurs so say your running, then the car hits you. your running animation blends into the physics animation even if the car doesnt kill you...that'd be a damn cool feature....man that would add so much realism. dodging things and explosions so that they dont knock you off your feet
yeah but i think it would be alot harder to implement then it sounds, otherwise, i suppose, they would make it a feature
Well, VALVe have said that you could use a model of the player with a camera in the head instead of the standard arms-with-gun model, at least in a mod, so I'd say that a ragdolling player character could work if done properly.
Yes it's possible to blend. Go to the Havok website and they have the zombie demo on this EXACT subject. The bodies bend and twist when hit dynamically but don't actually die.
yes it possible for npc's (non-player controled) because u dont have to worry aout them being control by the player while the are in the process of partical ragdoll, although i maybe wrong it would just be a game miricle if they actually can do this.
It is perfectly possible to blend player model animations and ragdoll physics. If you watch some of the videos put out by Havok, they demonstrate this very effect.
im sorry to ask but if u could provide a link for me as well as everyone else interested in this thread, it will be appreciated. from what i understand it is easy to do this with NPC's but on players where the computer ai cannot control the movement would have animation troubles from unexpected movements during the course of ragdoll effect. now i can tell u how i think it would work. if u did go into ragdoll and when your body stoped, an animation could be played for u to get up, then u take over from there. i imagine that this method is the easiest possible solutions and probably the most realistic, but at certain times this would kill gameplay, im sure u can come up with your own scenario.
KiNG said:
im sorry to ask but if u could provide a link for me as well as everyone else interested in this thread, it will be appreciated. from what i understand it is easy to do this with NPC's but on players where the computer ai cannot control the movement would have animation troubles from unexpected movements during the course of ragdoll effect. now i can tell u how i think it would work. if u did go into ragdoll and when your body stoped, an animation could be played for u to get up, then u take over from there. i imagine that this method is the easiest possible solutions and probably the most realistic, but at certain times this would kill gameplay, im sure u can come up with your own scenario.
Easiest way to alleviate the problem: Disable player-controlled movement while in ragdoll mode. So say you get hit by the car and go flying; the player can no longer control which way they're moving. They see their own body go flailing, and hit the ground. Then, once Source detects that the player's body is no longer moving, it starts a "get-up" animation, likely through Inverse Kinematics or Forward Dynamics. Once the player's body is fully "up", the player resumes control.
stigmata said:
Easiest way to alleviate the problem: Disable player-controlled movement while in ragdoll mode. So say you get hit by the car and go flying; the player can no longer control which way they're moving. They see their own body go flailing, and hit the ground. Then, once Source detects that the player's body is no longer moving, it starts a "get-up" animation, likely through Inverse Kinematics or Forward Dynamics. Once the player's body is fully "up", the player resumes control.

i think u just repeated what was in the lower portion of my paragraph. :dozey:
What I'd like to see is, when you get hit and go flying, your arms and legs flash through your field of view in a realistic fashion...
i think is a shame valve decided not to allow the player to get knocked off their feet.

lets say there is a big ass explosion and you are hit by the shockwave. chances are you won't be on your feet. it will make for interesting views

like sailing headfirst into a dumpster. since allowing the physics engine to handle where your arms head torso and legs are, i don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to see your body flail from first person.

the only reason most games don't allow you to see yourself aside from your arms is that animating your lower half in a convincing manner is tough as hell. if the physics are handling that, then what's the problem?

you could use the crouch or jump key to get back up assuming you aren't dead.
the problem is the animation between the ragdoll on the ground and the crouch animation, maybe there could be a smooth new skeletal animation system, otherwise it would seem almost like a glitch(ragdoll magically suddenly turns into someone crouching, and with the unpredicablity from physics it would be very visable).
so what? is it impossible to truly implement ragdoll in first person and make the game still playable?
im not a programmer, im just sayin what the current problem is. i would love for valve to make it possible and pretty.
can you imagine how annoying it would be to get knocked over in Multiplayer and having to wait to get back up, and getting shot in the meantime :)

Tho having said that if you could stay on the floor, and get up when u wanted (with the jump key say) then that could turn out to be insanely cool....
I don't get this whole topic... ragdoll what exactly? We already know that partial ragdoll and all that good stuff is on the enemies and npc's but.. you don't really see yourself so what do you ragdoll? You have physical properties (like mass) and you will react realistically in most situations and your view will probably go crazy but you won't fall over because it's most likely a gameplay issue. Even then, the only thing I can see happening when you fall is that your view stares straight at the sky and you have to wait to get up.... not too interesting.
Unless you are talking about the dreaded....
get this: Ragdoll on command. You press say the action key (e for me) and you do one of the million ragdoll animations. You could totally avoid bullets like this, and make a Matrix mod...
Six Three said:
get this: Ragdoll on command. You press say the action key (e for me) and you do one of the million ragdoll animations. You could totally avoid bullets like this, and make a Matrix mod...
LOL :D I can just imagine playing some game with voice comm, somebody's about to get blown to pieces by an RPG, so you yell into the mic "RAGDOLL, RAGDOLL!" And they collapse into a limp pile of limbs.

Also, KiNG, I didn't read your whole post (hehe... :upstare: ), I was kind of pressed for time. I'll make sure I read the whole thing next time.
It would add a lot of suspense too, like in the movie where the combine is dragged into the water. Imagine it happening to you and surviving. You'd be in for a wild ride...

My solution:
Have the game then force you into crouch-mode for a few seconds to simulate being knocked over.
That way, you don't lose control but you still have your movement messed up.

So, the antlion guard knocks you over and you have to crawl away before finally getting to your feet. It would add a whole new element to gameplay.
ya we are talking about thrid person view, like multiplayer and such.
It would be great to hit a scientist with a baseball bat and watch him ragdoll across the map :dork:
i think it would be cool to be able to be knocked over while still being alive.

anyone play mechwarrior 3 or 4, you could get knocked over in that while still alive. of course people shot at you but it added to the strategy.

Just imagine you are playing multiplayer and you chuck a grenade at some other d00ds. They weren't close enough to get killed but they were close enough to get knocked off their feet. Then while they are scrambling to their feet you can run in and pop them a few speed holes.

also if this were implemented you could place tripwires. not necessarily as explosive triggers but to actually trip someone. Sure it wouldn't be very effective but it would be funny as hell to see Johnny leadfoot running around the level at top speed then instantly have his legs kick up as he catches a tripwire set at neck level.

also having a still living ragdoll feature in the game will make you check twice to see if you *really* killed that guy or if he's just pretending to be dead