Ragdolls not 'stiff' enough?

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the current gen does it better...and the next gen will kick ass...sadly hl2 physic is a few tiers down...
Freakaloin said:
there again u use faulty logic trying to figure out what i meant...get over urself...

What's so faulty? How's HL2 outdated? Can you answer a single question?

Don't get angry at me just because you can't communicate yourself properly.
I think they look a tad loose, but their still pretty well done.
i'm not talking about half life...talking about the physics engine...understand yet?
Freakaloin said:
i'm not talking about half life...talking about the physics engine...understand yet?

Which you have NOT witnessed first hand yet. The leaked code from a year ago and the CS:S Beta may not be accurate to the final product.
Freakaloin said:
i'm not talking about half life...talking about the physics engine...understand yet?

When I asked you how HL2 was outdated, I was referring to the fact that you have stated on numerous occasions that HL2 looks outdated to you, and so it better have amazing gameplay. You failed to say what exactly looked outdated.

And I have asked you earlier in this topic to explain what makes its physics so outdated. Once again, you've given no proper answer.

So can you please spend less time laboring over what you apparently didn't say and just come out with what you did say (with, you know, an actual supporting argument)?
Who cares about stiffness. Set the phys_pushscale to 2000 for some good fun...
Edge said:
Which you have NOT witnessed first hand yet. The leaked code from a year ago and the CS:S Beta may not be accurate to the final product.

well i seriously doubt they changed it...so its mostly likely the same...maybe not but i go with the numbers...
Absinthe said:
When I asked you how HL2 was outdated, I was referring to the fact that you have stated on numerous occasions that HL2 looks outdated to you, and so it better have amazing gameplay. You failed to say what exactly looked outdated.

And I have asked you earlier in this topic to explain what makes its physics so outdated. Once again, you've given no proper answer.

So can you please spend less time laboring over what you apparently didn't say and just come out with what you did say (with, you know, an actual supporting argument)?
i never said hl2 was dated....u said i said it...hmm u seem confused...
Freakaloin said:
the current gen does it better...and the next gen will kick ass...sadly hl2 physic is a few tiers down...

Since you seem to be the expert, what games are 'a few tiers above' hl2 in terms of physics? Gish? hahaha
You're denying that you said HL2 was dated? You have a very short-term memory.
The ragdolls are crazy fun. Sometimes you get the legs behind the head but its nothing that cant be taken care of with a few extra rounds the knees. ;) They act very realistic I believe. What I want to see happen now, is people make death animations blend with ragdoll. That will be teh sweet.
Freakaloin said:
i never said hl2 was dated....u said i said it...hmm u seem confused...

You have said on many occasions that Half-Life 2 looks outdated. I'm not going to push this point any further, since I appear to be talking to a brick wall.

And since you're so easily confused, I'll make it simple for you and have you answer just this one question: How is HL2's physics outdated?

If you persist in refusing to answer the question and instead continue to engage in this "I said/You said" bullshit, then I'll just consider you a moron and quit.
freakaloin, do you even know the differences and capabilities between HL2's modified havok engine and the havok 2 engine?

let me guess, '2 is bigger than 1'?

given the wrong values, havok 2 ragdolls could look very bad and unrealistic, and people such as yourself could mistake it for some crappy engine. if you don't like the way people ragdoll in hl2, just mod the values yourself, and then release a mini-mod to everyone to show how much better you think you can make a ragdoll death.
Some of the games do overdo the ragdoll physics. The bones suddenly seem to become jello.
The biggest problem I see in terms of HL2's ragdolls is that once something's a ragdoll, it can't go back. You lose alot of realism when the bodies don't move at all after 'dying'. IRL, unless shot in the head, heart or blown up by a grenade, the body would eliminate any crazy looking ragdoll poses by squirming for awhile before dying.
poseyjmac said:
freakaloin, do you even know the differences and capabilities between HL2's modified havok engine and the havok 2 engine?

let me guess, '2 is bigger than 1'?

given the wrong values, havok 2 ragdolls could look very bad and unrealistic, and people such as yourself could mistake it for some crappy engine. if you don't like the way people ragdoll in hl2, just mod the values yourself, and then release a mini-mod to everyone to show how much better you think you can make a ragdoll death.

do u even know what physics engine is currently available and is a generation above the havoc2 engine? let me gues...no
OK, Seems I've started a bit of a flamer thread here!! Moderators feel free to close - don't think there is anything useful being said here...
epmode said:
similar case: remember hl1? "heavily-modified" quake 1 engine. still, it turned out to look/play better than many quake 2-based games.

(why am i even responding to you?)

If I recall correctly, wasn't HL1 based on a heavily modified Quake 2 engine, not Quake 1?
OK, Seems I've started a bit of a flamer thread here!! Moderators feel free to close - don't think there is anything useful being said here...

I agree.

freakaloin: take note of the fact that threads are descending into flamefests around you. It's not because everyone is too stupid to agree with you....
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