Rage Against the Machine Reunite

Holy shit. I wonder if they'll be playing anything new.
All sorts of kickass bands are playing that weekend - Explosions in the Sky, Arcade Fire, Air, Bjork, RATM and some others I've forgotten.

I'd go, but me and my mates found out the price of getting over + weeked and shizz and it's like ?800 quid. I could go to 3 festivals in the UK for that, and it's not like the other bands playing won't come to the UK sooner or later, RATM-reunited included.
This, along with the BM trailer is :E :E :E great day for mankind!
Holy SHIT. I think I may have to make a pilgrimage to LA this April :D
LA is just a few minutes from here, I might go just to see them O_O.

And then go to that screening for the NIN dvd right after.

Damn, it is good to be a Californian right now.
"...will reunite after a seven-year lull for one show..."

Felt the need to note that. Spose it's exciting, but I've never really liked RATM for their live performances. I always imagined the pure energy of actually being at one would be something to behold, but since there's no way I'll be there... :(
It's not really a 7 year lull, they broke up!? Zach was solo and Tom, Brad & Tim were with Chris doing audioshite. I loved all their albums, and their live stuff always blew me away, the energy as said above is like getting drop kicked in the face by a kangaroo.

They look very energetic live, granted, as do the crowd, but all the videos I've seen of some of my favourite songs have, for some reason, never impressed me. Really odd, that.
Yeah, I prefer Cornell's voice too - back in Soundgarden :P

RATM was great for the attitude, and for the music. Don't get me wrong, Audioslave are great too, but they're pretty tame compared to both bands.

Also, re: RATM live...

He sounds like he's singing with a mouthfull of marbles.
He sounds like he's singing with a mouthfull of marbles.
Cornell? If so, I agree, it sounds like an incessant wailing to me. The rap by Zach provided a great contrast with the energy of Rage's music, it burned my ears in ways I've never thought possible.

With this performance I'm sure it'll be a great show, we just gotta make sure we can get video/audio of it after it happens, one way, or another...