Ram Error / Problem?


Sep 16, 2003
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I've had my new computer (one i built from scratch) running well for several months now. I've gotten this error in the past before but I've been getting it alot recently.

"Serial presence detect (SPD) device data missing or inconclusive. Properly programmed SPD device data is required for reliable operation. DDR 333MHz memory assumed at slowest timings
Press Any Key To Continue..."

My ram should be running at 400MHz I believe. Also I should have probably asked this earlier but what are those like configurations with ram that are like 1-2-2-3? Should I have set something up in the BIOS concerning that? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Hmmm, od, I have seen this issue alot with PC133 but not DDR. SPD is what controls the speed by your CPU FSB. And those 1-2-2-3 are your timings for your RAM, or basically how fast they will run.

Usually when not running dual channel your RAM cannot produce those kind of speeds (333Mhz) and it will slow it down purposely in order to maintain stability. If you want to control your RAM then in the BIOS select "expert" and change around some of the timings for your RAM.

Note: If your timings are unstable your system will not boot, to fix this reset your BIOS on the motherboard.

Most likely your RAM is trying to achive the FSB of your CPU, if it is a single stick then it will have issues. What you may want to try is changing the setting "SPD" to something like "100%" I believe. This may or may not work, it is kind of hard to tell with RAM. As for your timings I hope to god you don't have them set to 1-2-2-3, if that is an example then that is not the problem. RAM timings are more or less 2-3-2-2 for like PC3200 and a little higher for PC3500, 2-3-3-2. If you want it to be stable, just to get your RAM working for now then set it to default, or change it yourself to something like 2-3-3-2.

Or hell, remove a stick and see what that does. Maybe dual cahnnel no longer works? AAck

Reading over the first post again, I now see that you have said SPD is missing...uhm this was only present on a discontinued board, Intel® Desktop Board SU810. The issue is listed here http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/SU810/spdmem.htm

I hope that any of this helps...
Thanks for replying rabies. and yes the 1-2-2-3 was just an example cause I couldn't remember what the numbers really were. I'll read up on this more. Thanks ever so much
No prob, I hope that you fix it because it really would be sad to see a pair of HyperX RAM go to waste.... ;(
The wierd thing is, the error message doesn't come up everytime, Just randomly. Do you think it is screwing up each time and just not telling me or running ok sometimes and other times no?
Well, it may be a voltage issue? Are you sure you are running enough power to the motherboard? Preferably a 300W+, would work best for a standard setup. You BIOS may also be out of date, check for updates, I know on mine it was outdated. I had bought some 1GB Twin Corsair XMSPro sticks and my motherboard BIOS was old so I had no dual channel over 512mb. I updated and now I have full blown dual channel...
I'll check for bios updates. It COULD be my PSU cause i think I'm running at the edge of what my system should be running. I think i have a 330w