Random artwork.

Dec 7, 2004
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Random scannings from my sketchbook/notebooks.
Tell me what you guys think. I have the Raziel pic up on the wall above my entertainment center.
Cool stuff, I love the Soul Reaver one, very good lightning and shading on that one :)

Looking at the "Joseph" one, I'd say it needs some correction with the pose and proportions, the Samus is nicely shaped but could use some more depth.

http://www.jasonarthur.com/references.html - This is a good reference archive on poses, anatomy, random things etc, check it out. :)
That was a very unfinished version of Samus that I scanned a long time ago. I don't have easy access to a scanner so eh. There's a lot more detail on my current progress of it, I just need to shade it.
Thanks a lot for the response though ^_^