random cs game mode



Yay first post! Anyway, I thought of this when my internet was down and I was playing with bots.

You can make it so bots only use knives, and you can make it so all the bots go on one team, so I put about 30 bots on one team, gave myself great equipment and tried to take them all on. (its best to make the bots ct's and have a map with no hostages)

I know it sounds stupid but try it and you'll know what I mean. Its even better when you play with a friend.
Oh yes yes...I like sometimes playing only pistols with bots...good to practice with glock, deagle, and fiveseven.
geese 30 bots at once? i get like 10 fps with 5 bots.....well done.
It's like dawn of the dead or something, you start to panic as they close in on you.
It does get a bit freaky. Play with music on :D

Whack in some bindings ( host_timescale 0.1;dsp_player 16 ) and have some matrix-stylee zombie ownage :thumbs:
jondyfun said:
It does get a bit freaky. Play with music on :D

Whack in some bindings ( host_timescale 0.1;dsp_player 16 ) and have some matrix-stylee zombie ownage :thumbs:

Whats dsp_player 16 do??...
Makes the sound all dull and echo-y. Lowpass filter with some delay. Sounds a bit like the MaxPayne effect without the sound slowdown.

Ideally you'd want to alter the sounds' playback rate to 4.41khz ( 10 percent ) for the full everything-slows-down effect, but there's no console command, so that's as close as I can get without coding :)
if only my computer could h andle it....lmfao 10 bots with knifes chasing you...i'd just spend the rounds running seeing how long i can live :D
whats fun is haveing a buddy come over, and we had me and him vs 20+ bots, with nades and knifes, it was awsome.........

if you have a friend with a really good computer and you have one two it's really fun to do this in 'co op' style.
another great "random" game mode is one that my clan mates love to do is called god tag. One player has god mode and uses the knife only and the other team is consists of the other players and the last one alive wins and becomes the new god
try 70-80% game speed - trust me, more fun than it seems ;0)
I did this with a friend a while ago. Great fun. Except bots were allowed to use everything. We awped like crazy. It gets to be kinda lame once you figure out a bot exploit on that map. In office we would just rush their spawn and hope they went open, and they'd all be caught trying to get in the windows. I got a few double kills like that.
How do you put more than 20 bots on a side?

I set the max players to 40 before I make the server, then I set mp_limitteams to 40 and mp_autoteambalance 0 and I still can only get 20 bots on one side.