Random expensive impulses


Nov 7, 2007
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I recently bought an xbox and 3 games just so I have something to do at my mates house while he is on this computer.

Whats the most expensive thing you've bought on such shakey sudden little reasoning?.

"On a whim" I believe its called.:imu:
a house ..ended up losing it in a bidding war against someone who outbid me by only $1900
$1,440 rims and tires for my car. However, I bought those almost 10 years ago, and I still use the rims (tires had to be replaced). So I guess it wasn't a waste, though I wish I didn't go with chrome. Would have saved a lot of money with an alloy, plus chrome is heavy for a sports car.
I think the most expensive thing I've bought on a whim was a powerball, which I still use.

I really don't like spending money.
Start up, for Dan's bicycle gang. Last seen headed west.

Don' kno why. Gold rush dun dried up.
Actually, the original Half Life was an impulse purchase, but it payed off big time.
750 quid on a set of summer race leathers and boots - in autumn. They were brilliant, but the paramedics cut them to pieces three weeks later. Humm.

I still haven't managed to figure out whether that makes it money down the drain or money well spent. :|
Not my most expensive impulse buy, but one that springs to mind. I recently bought 60 eurobucks Sennheiser inner-ear earphones, and I'm rather happy with them, great sound. However, the other day I discovered that with my Dell laptop, which I bought more than 6 months ago, came similar looking earphones, still sealed. From the outside, they seem identical (bar the Sennheiser logo and black instead of white) and they sound the same to me. What are the odds!?
I just paid $13 for a UV toothbrush sterilizer. good deal i think. sort of impulse, though I saw an ad for one in a magazine and decided I wanted one.
~$200 worth of tshirts from BustedTees. I love that site too much.
Probably an Xbox 360. It wasn't so much on a whim as it was convenient. My parents owed me around a grand but couldn't pay me back in cash, but they were more than happy to get me something I wanted on HP so they could pay it back gradually. Also a friend was wanting to buy an (original) Xbox, which I had at the time, so I offloaded that to him and took my parents up on their offer. Voila. :)

My dad was pretty angry when we found out he couldn't play his Xbox games anymore because of the bung backwards compatibility, though...

Nintendo DS Lite..which I never use.
Oh yeah, this too. My girlfriend got one so I figured I would too, but as it turns out we never play them multiplayer anyway so I could just be using hers. Keep meaning to sell it off...

Any takers? :O
I never buy anything expensive on impulse.

I am very controlled and restrictive in things I purchase because I'm a fanatic when it comes to researching the stuff I want so that I am rarely if ever disappointed with a purchase(which is not often!)

Joule, that avatar you have now is awesome!
Lunch, when I can wait a couple hours and eat at home for free.

I don't spend my money on anything.
750 quid on a set of summer race leathers and boots - in autumn. They were brilliant, but the paramedics cut them to pieces three weeks later. Humm.

I still haven't managed to figure out whether that makes it money down the drain or money well spent. :|

hehe, definately money worth spent :p
sometimes I save for a long time.

other times I spend it all, even money I don't have.

when I have money, i save it. when I don't have money, I spend it. makes sense if you consider credit.

I'm so cheap when I'm trying to save money that I'll have a couple grand in the bank, yet I order from the dollar menu at fast food, and just get 1 item and a water.

and I don't care if my money is wasted if I die and it's all in the bank because,.. I'll be dead.
Much fear in you i see...(lol at the star wards)

wow, so you have three different cpu's, but four screens...

...yeah :upstare: greedy
I don't impulse buy. The nearest impulse buy I've done is my graphics card. And I spent at least a week researching them.