Random Preload Info from Gabe


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Right now we have about 60 Steam content servers running around the world. They are throttled to 100 Mbps, but can handle ~800 Mbps if necessary.

In terms of network bandwidth, we're currently running at 4 Gbps, and will boost to 7 Gbps when we start pre-loading. We have the option of increasing that to 14 Gbps with a phone call (admittedly a really expensive phone call).

Since Half-Life 2 is ~2 GB (or 16 Gb) over the wire, we can serve up about a person/second with a complete copy of the game. These are idealized numbers - the real capacity planning numbers are quite a bit lower.

So pre-loading is a good thing, being able to play before you have a complete copy of the game is a good thing, and having buckets and buckets of bandwidth is a good thing. It's interesting that videogames in addition to being a larger aggregate audience than almost any TV show (and a lot of countries total Internet traffic) are also now becoming one of the largest consumers of bandwidth on the net.

I'm curious if people know of other single applications consuming more than 10 Gbps.

The Post
Gabe has been posting up all kinds of stuff over at HL2 Fallout the past week...I'm jealous ;(

Nice find though :thumbs:
Gabe is so cool, Valve is the most friendliest and coolest developer out there next to Epic games. GO GABE!!! and thanks for the info.
Gabe has been posting up all kinds of stuff over at HL2 Fallout the past week...I'm jealous
I wonder why he finds fallout so appealing? Maybe he just wants to make another forum besides halflife2.net popular.
good news, they are really prepared for this. About Gabe, i would like him to post here too, we didnt say anything to affend him did we?
I don't really care if Gabe posts on the HL2-Fallout forums. So what?

As long as we get information from him, I'm happy.

I think gabe is posting there cause there are so many people here already, it wouldnt be fair for the other sites trying to grow their user base, so good for him. It makes no difference though really since we always get the information one way or another. Plus there are just too many people here again and could you imagine the post count on a post gabe would make ? it would never stop lol. Other then that we have greg and a few others from valve i think that post screenshots and what not, so its all good.
The Thing said:
I don't really care if Gabe posts on the HL2-Fallout forums. So what?

As long as we get information from him, I'm happy.
My thoughts exactly.
I think its good becuase when he did post here his threads got spammed so badly with all kinds of crap, people asking him for sex to people asking if he can give them a free copy.

at least at that other forum theres only maybe 30-40 posts about his post and not the rapidly growing thread sysndrome we get here.

ie.. you ask a question and come back 5 minutes later and theres 2 pages of answers from people all writing the same thing at the same time.
Tyrsenus said:
Since Half-Life 2 is ~2 GB (or 16 Gb) over the wire...
What exactly does he mean by that?

And thankyou Gabe for keeping us updated. Your awesomeness never stops amazing me.
kaellinn18 said:
2 Gigabytes = 2 * 8 Gigabits = 16 Gigabits
Ahhh I didn't notice the little b. Thanks!

Speaking of.. Isn't there a forum member named 'Little B' on here? Heh.
Hopefully there will be enough bandwidth for too download the game at my top speed. It would take roughly 100 minutes on my 3MB connection.

It's spelt with a 'g' like all the other gigs isn't it?
Cabb said:
It's spelt with a 'g' like all the other gigs isn't it?
He was referring to the movie Back to the Future. And in that they pronounce it "Jigawatt"

Marty: "What the hell's a jiggawatt!?"

:LOL: Good times. Love that movie.
Mr. Redundant said:
no I mean Gigawatt. its pronounced Jigawatt, it is spelled Gigawatt.


however its still a great (and funny as hell) movie ;D
Actually it's pronounced Gigawatt.

The only way to show they said it like a J was to say Jiggawatt.

I recently watched the produceres commentary and they said they didn't know it was pronounced with a G and so they said it with a J.

This is getting too complicated. :rolleyes:
well this site is almost faster then Gabe himself posting new news, so it doesnt really matter. Thanks for the quick updates hl2.net! :thumbs:
So pre-loading is a good thing, being able to play before you have a complete copy of the game is a good thing, and having buckets and buckets of bandwidth is a good thing. It's interesting that videogames in addition to being a larger aggregate audience than almost any TV show (and a lot of countries total Internet traffic) are also now becoming one of the largest consumers of bandwidth on the net.

I'm curious as to what this actually means?

*_-SpAcKeL-_* said:
I'm curious as to what this actually means?


If you buy a game off Steam, you can play before it's it's completely downloaded. It could download the first few levels and then you can play them while the rest of them are downloading.
*_-SpAcKeL-_* said:
I'm curious as to what this actually means?


Once you have the main stuff loaded (the engine and sounds), you can play while its downloading the later levels. You're on level one, and its downloading levels 5, 6, 7 etc etc.
Is anyone really going to download hl2 off steam? I much prefer to have the box and cd cases, but that's just me.
sHm0zY said:
gabes awesome i can't wait to meet him in 4 days!

I wish i would meet him, he always seems like such a nice guy.

I gotta travel to the US first though :x.
gabes awesome i can't wait to meet him in 4 days!
WHAT?!!! another valve visit! Be SURE to ask what EXACTLY comes in the CE box. But you probably already knew to ask that.
Reason I found Half-Life 2.net Forums is because I went to HL2.com and looked around, to find a forum, because I thought it was like the Half-Life 1, and at Sierra. So I googled, "Half-Life 2 Forums"

First thing that came up was this forum :D