Random Spout of Depression :(


Apr 26, 2006
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Today I had a completely random spout of depression (I mean seriously, nothing bad has happened to me today). I was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon I just randomly got depressed.
I wasn't feeling suicidle or anything, just slightly depressed. Last time I can remember bieng depressed was when I was 14, so why has it suddenly started now?
Does anyone who does/has (or simply knows a lot about it) have any idea why I was randomly hit?
Thanks, /emo :p
I get it occasionally. For the most part I think it is normal, assuming you aren't about to hang yourself. As long as its not a usual thing, I wouldn't worry about it. If you start feeling this way more often then I would suggest seeing someone.
Ah yeah, thanks, I didn't think it was anything to worry about.
Quick, alert the in-

Actually I can relate to what you feel. Some days I tend to feel without the slightest bit of motivation and the day feels gloomy and I feel like I just wanna go to bed and lay there forever. Strangely nothing bad happens that day; I just don't know why I sometimes feel that way.

I guess you could sleep it off, or do your homework. Maybe exercise can help too. Chocolate is said to release endorphins or something that cheers you up.
I sometimes get that. I reckon everyone does. It's probably just a stupid chemical reaction in the brain.
don't you mean bout? I've been depressed all year because I'm not living up to my potential as far as college applications go.
Isn't the text normally GENOCIDE instead of SUICIDE?

Heh, random depression. Doesn't beat the fact that you're only flesh and bone and in about 60 years if you live that long, you'll be dead forever. Well, at least you don't when you're dead, that's a blessing, I guess.
Well, besides the fact that I've been diagnosed with depression and GAD (General Anxiety Dissorder) and take 40 mg of Celexa every day, I get that too, just out of no where when there's nothing going wrong. But it will generally clear up just as fast a short while later. Every has to get depressed every now and then, it aint something to be concerned with.
about the seasonal thing, I actually get happier during the winter. Guess I watch too much anime with wintery themes.
You got it backwards: Summer = happyness. Not winter. Though I like it when it snows.
Winter is my favorite time of year.
Winter is my favorite time of year.


I love winter because when you go to bed you seek warmth, not coolness, and it's more cozy to be in bed when you go to sleep.

It sucks when you wake up though... you just wanna stay there. :P Kinda like the same thing when you take a shower, you don't want to get out

:( And if I had a girlfriend I'd so be cuddling up with her.
But then you'd have to stifle your farts in bed. There's a bright side to everything.
A good cure for depression is to stare at my new avatar for a minute whilst listening to The Supernaturals - Smile

If that doesn't sort you out, you need medication.
I feel like everyone in the chemical engineering department here (including me) is burning out at the same time. I blame the chemicals.

But seriously, it sucks.

...This helped though:

A good cure for depression is to stare at my new avatar for a minute whilst listening to The Supernaturals - Smile

If that doesn't sort you out, you need medication.
Your midichlorians are out of wack. You should meditate and let the force flow through you.
I used to get those too, around once a week or so. Now I got a girlfriend, I and almost never get then anymore. Coincidence? I think not!
I never get depressed, sometimes I'll have a lack of motivation to do anything, but thats it.
The best thing is usually exercise, or something that really gets your attention. Trust me, i've had severe depressive disorder since i was 13 or 14 and has spent time in a mental hospital. Yeah, i'm that crazy.

Oh yeah, laughter is the best medicine!
Random constant depression isn't normal?

Edit: And Girlfriends do help. Go get one.
I hear you can order them off ebay. And mail-order-brides aren't too hard to come buy.

And could you include some punctuation...? I'm totally lost :P
I'm quite aware that "mate selection" isn't easy. And I can't believe you're taking me so seriously. Apparently it's easy. You just need to be in the right social crowd. *shrugs* never been easy for me, and I'm still shocked that a girl ever liked me. It's quite bizzare. Only problem was I moved far away. Wouldn't have been a problem, because I'm moving back next year, but then she's moving in the opposite direction :(.

Edit: Relationships suck.