Random wierd stuff you've done


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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I have no clean spoons so I decided to eat the pudding with only my tongue, now I'm cold. (wow this is my 1028th post and I just noticed I passed 1000)
EDIT put some beef in my mouth and chewed it for an hour, result was a grey tasteless piece of erm... carpet? looked like carpet.
i eat pudding like that all the time, its not that weird.
I hate it when I prepare something and find out there is no silverware. And I'm forced to eat milk & cereal with a fork.
I hate it when I prepare something and find out there is no silverware. And I'm forced to eat milk & cereal with a fork.

What do you mean by theres no spoon? You dont buy them?
Well, it's not really there. Bend yourself, and all that.
I once put a camera flash right up to my eyes and set it off. I saw green for an hour.
Hey i tried that on my bus trip to kuala lumpur.. haha it was so fun.
Put my head inside a kick drum while someone was playing. Blew an ear-drum.
i squatted below a cymbal and was fixing some wires to the sound system and the drummer smashed the cymbals, i gave him a wtf look and he just laughed.
I hate it when I prepare something and find out there is no silverware. And I'm forced to eat milk & cereal with a fork.

Do the dishes like your parents told you to.
I rode up a tall mountain at 1:00am in the snow in a wetsuit (maybe a 2-hour ride).

...when in Rome...
I have done various strange things in a wetsuit...


Strange things... Once, as a child, I spent a full six hours pretending my five Space Marines were Starship Troopers, and that every object on my desk was a Bug, and I fought those bastards to the death.
Applied a can of spray deodorant to my arm for half an hour and watched the patch of dead, lifeless skin formulate into a blood/puss-filled bubble over the next month before accidentally scraping it off when brushing the doorway.

Had an impromptu wet dog food eating contest with a friend while intoxicated, with chunky, rank, vomity results.

Made a viking burial for a fly that died on my desk at school (which I had dubbed "Harold"), complete with burning boat and watery grave.

Enacted upon epiphanies of walking while urinating.

Convinced myself of contact with an alien god and attacked friends who laughed at him/me before storming out of a party and deciding to sleep the rest of the night outside by the street in winter. No hallucinogens involved.

With lack of bread and silverware, I decided to make myself a grilled ham and cheese sandwich which I left as a smouldering, rotting lump on the stove for a week.

Made a collection of filaments and screws from dead lightbulbs because they looked like bitchin' alien antennas.

Made animated stop-motion films with my webcam of cigarettes, coins, bottles, cans, and lamps.

Ingested possibly lethal amounts of water to see how ****ed up I could get during a school break and spent the rest of the day urinating every 15 minutes. Ate a box of sugar cubes on a separate occasion and freaked the living hell out of the participants I'd recruited for an experiment for my Psychology course with my hyperactivity.

Begged my mother to wash my mouth out with soap. She obliged. I found it hilarious for some reason.

Others... Many others...
Applied a can of spray deodorant to my arm for half an hour and watched the patch of dead, lifeless skin formulate into a blood/puss-filled bubble over the next month before accidentally scraping it off when brushing the doorway.

Had an impromptu wet dog food eating contest with a friend while intoxicated, with chunky, rank, vomity results.

Made a viking burial for a fly that died on my desk at school (which I had dubbed "Harold"), complete with burning boat and watery grave.

Enacted upon epiphanies of walking while urinating.

Convinced myself of contact with an alien god and attacked friends who laughed at him/me before storming out of a party and deciding to sleep the rest of the night outside by the street in winter. No hallucinogens involved.

With lack of bread and silverware, I decided to make myself a grilled ham and cheese sandwich which I left as a smouldering, rotting lump on the stove for a week.

Made a collection of filaments and screws from dead lightbulbs because they looked like bitchin' alien antennas.

Made animated stop-motion films with my webcam of cigarettes, coins, bottles, cans, and lamps.

Ingested possibly lethal amounts of water to see how ****ed up I could get during a school break and spent the rest of the day urinating every 15 minutes. Ate a box of sugar cubes on a separate occasion and freaked the living hell out of the participants I'd recruited for an experiment for my Psychology course with my hyperactivity.

Begged my mother to wash my mouth out with soap. She obliged. I found it hilarious for some reason.

Others... Many others...
There is only one emoticon capable of properly conveying my opinions regarding your post.

Applied a can of spray deodorant to my arm for half an hour and watched the patch of dead, lifeless skin formulate into a blood/puss-filled bubble over the next month before accidentally scraping it off when brushing the doorway.

No way... did that seriously happen? How'd the deodorant affect the skin like that?

Ingested possibly lethal amounts of water to see how ****ed up I could get during a school break and spent the rest of the day urinating every 15 minutes.

How much water did you drink? It's very difficult to drink such vast quantities of water for it to do significant harm to the body, and it doesn't take much water to have to urinate every 15 minutes for an entire day, depending on how much water you normally drink on a regular basis. I think it's on the order of having to drink 3 or 4 quarts of water almost nonstop at a high rate of speed to be able to become overdosed on water.

It's not something you can just recover from either, as you'll slip into a coma or worse.
I fell asleep under my car last summer trying to figure out why it wouldn't idle...my mom woke me up at around 6am when she was headed out for her run, and then I got it running that morning too.

edit: webMD says, "You would need to chug down about three quarts of water or more all at once to come down with a case of true water intoxication. It does happen, but so rarely that I couldn't find statistics on the number of cases. These people become drowsy, lightheaded, and weak. They have trouble coordinating bodily movements and thinking straight, looking and feeling as if they just stumbled out of the local bar. But the water-intoxicated can't just go home and sleep it off. They must get treatment or risk going into convulsions, a coma, or even death."
Me and me mates got blotto b4 goin to a work party this one time. I spent the rest of the evening at the party talking to an empty aquarium and hanging off various ceiling ordaments. Dont make me explain. ;(

This other time (@ band camp zomfg) i got talkin to this chick at another party. We were gettin along fine until her boy turned up and i dont remember shit agter that. :sleep:

I hate me
Lemon Kings Mum.

Absinthe said:
Convinced myself of contact with an alien god and attacked friends who laughed at him/me before storming out of a party and deciding to sleep the rest of the night outside by the street in winter. No hallucinogens involved.
How the hell do you manage to do that?
Where to start.. hm

Last year, punched a hole in a ceiling tile, random as **** playfights in the corridors of the flat

This year, random swordfights with bits of wood with my housemates, room invasions and just general havoc when we're bored :)

There's SO many more however...
lol countless of stuff done drunk

taking a package of chocolate milk powder and kicking it around as some fun thing that my friend would tape a l? jackass, outside of course, results being chocolate milk powder all our clothes and angry neighbours being waken up

hypothetically getting high off brown together with a friend, spending the rest of the night running like hell through town screaming weird shit

trying to get laid by doing the charleston dance for half an hour inside some club

crap impulse buys, and i mean tons of them

How the hell do you manage to do that?

i think his last sentence is false
No way... did that seriously happen? How'd the deodorant affect the skin like that?

Yes. I mean, you're applying freezing cold chemicals to a single location for a long amount of time, something's bound to happen. First there was just the numbness, later there was a bump. The bump eventually grew into the monstrous blob.

How much water did you drink? It's very difficult to drink such vast quantities of water for it to do significant harm to the body, and it doesn't take much water to have to urinate every 15 minutes for an entire day, depending on how much water you normally drink on a regular basis. I think it's on the order of having to drink 3 or 4 quarts of water almost nonstop at a high rate of speed to be able to become overdosed on water.

Can't recall the measurements, but we're talking at least a couple litres of water under 15 minutes, causing me to enter a delirious, sick state along with all the urinating. If I recall correctly, I ended up vomiting a fair amount out later.
i think his last sentence is false

Nope. Just beer and wine. I think I was just originally messing around, but then the more I repeated it, the more convinced I became that I actually had made contact. It took about three hours for me to exit my self-induced insanity. It eventually dawned one me that there wasn't a good reason for me to be sleeping outside in the freezing cold with a t-shirt on the curb.
Getting utterly drunk and running around some corridors in a London hostel pretending to play CS with a mate

Nope. Just beer and wine. I think I was just originally messing around, but then the more I repeated it, the more convinced I became that I actually had made contact. It took about three hours for me to exit my self-induced insanity. It eventually dawned one me that there wasn't a good reason for me to be sleeping outside in the freezing cold with a t-shirt on the curb.

well wine does that stuff.. maybe you had some sort of flashback? :P

but lol, that does sound like my "philosophical" debates during drunkeness
Wine has never made me delusional in such a way. I wasn't even, like, obliteratingly drunk,
the right amount of wine does :P i usually drink lots of amounts of white wine at the clubs (no i'm not gay but it's the cheapest alcoholic drink around)

i am usually unable to talk properly at all when i'm really drunk so philosophical discussions are out of the question. i do remember one time when a friend and me rambled on about how we are gods over our own universes, and of course happily exclaimed this to everyone around us
Philosophical discussion is one thing. That's piss easy and far from delusional. I'm talking about clear voices in my head that fulfilled me with the knowledge that he is an omniscient and powerful deity, and fervently physically attacking people that mocked him. To the point where they actively avoided me because they thought I was dangerous. I literally transformed into a zealot for a religion of my own creation.
Whenever I'm stoned and outside, I pretend I'm fighting off a horde of zombies. If I'm in the woods, I pretend I'm fighting off a clan of ninjas.
In my classroom I threw my book up. It narrowly missed the fan but hit the ceiling. My book fell down and missed the fan yet again, luckily.

Not so lucky for the ceiling though, there was a huge hole in it. From then on I haven't brought that book to school anymore.

If I'm not wrong it was by Dean Koontz.
Weird random thing in class? I fired one pellet at a class mate and soon for the next 2 months, we had a war, i think there were many pellet clans -_-