
Nov 16, 2004
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Ok i am making a few maps, and 2 of them i need to beable to go in a teleporter, and then have them randomly go to teleport destination.

I can make a teleporter fine, but i can not think of a way to have it pick a random desitination..


probably a case of using those logic entities I would think. Or have the teleport destination moving around the map along a path so when you teleport the exit could be wherever it is along the path, maybe that would work?
use the "logic_case" entity then, in the outputs window, put in your teleporter's destinations names. Know what I mean? :O
A logic_case will pick teleports randomly for you.
A logic_case will fire a random output, but that and a teleporter alone won't do anything.

Use a logic_case, a few ai_changetargets, and a few info_targets, then use the logic_case to fire a random changetarget. (The changetargets will work for teleporters.) You can use the teleporter's OnStartTouch output to ensure that the destination is changed randomly each time.
Thanks Raeven0,
haven't done it yet but the tut looks way better than the one Mess said from the "the forbidden site", i found this one before i posted, but it didn't make sence, and it used werid stuff... so i till try this one...
