Rant about slow moving ppl


Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
I hate slow ppl. They do things slow, go back over it, chanfe it and re-work it slowly. Why do ppl walk. its annoying how slow walking is.
FPS's have made my reaction time to everything a lot faster now ppl suck because they are so slow to me. HURRY UP!
Gah, its the worst when ppl talk slow or don't get to the point. Just say what u need then shut ur face hole. Unless u need to make a point its enifficent to make small talk and also boring.

My grandparents are the worst! They walk slow talk slow act slowly its so inefficent that they must have wasted their lives or something.
You dont like slow people? Not a fan of george romero style zombies then? :p
Yes, especiallially when driving, slow people suck

btw I'm to lazy to spell