Rant about your job here

how much are you paid at the library?
I want to work at a library now.
My job is pretty nice. im a clerk in an electronics store and i'm pretty honest with the customers. the pay is great, and my boss used to go out drinking with me and some friends before he quit and came back. but the worst part of my day is this really annoying fat ugly bitch that annoys the hell out of me. she constantly follows me around and somehow thinks we are friends. she smells like cat piss and has a bajillion cats.

if you watch the office shes a mix between the fatness of Phyllis, the annoying love for cats by angela, and the talkativeness of kelly



also customers can get annoying but its retail and its all part of the job
there you go zombieturtle, you made a rant, I wasn't out to show that my job is worse than anyone elses
I was expecting jobs a lot worse than mine.
Keep the rants comin'!
I hate my job.

Sometimes at Quizno's we'll get fifty customers in an hour. That's an hour straight of making sandwiches to order, then cutting them, then ringing the customers through. Then doing all the dishes and sweeping. Then serving more customers. Then dishes, then sweeping. Followed by more customers, and a cleaning sweep of the washrooms. Then more customers. Then the dinner rush comes...
I spend all day either on site with people who have IT problems, or answering phone/voicemail/email messages from people with IT problems. Regardless of what the issue is, it's always, at least to some degree, by default, my fault. Even before I knew the problem existed, has to be my fault.

On a plus note, I got to see an irate American md slam hiw palm down onto a conference room table and shout 'i'm not spending another damn cent on our network' days before it went down and cost them $$$$$'s. How you like me now you old ****.

Good thread, I feel much better :)
I don't have a job here! lolol

At uni without a job atm, but night shifts do sucked. Do not want. Apart from the money.
I collect glasses in a bar and get drunk.

Can't complain.
I do hard labour for a contracting firm. ****ers with poor work ethics get left behind, lazy ****ers.

Had this one italian/aussie bastard who just would not pull his ****ing wieght. But it's the way of things. Got a lot of networks and connections now from my awesome-ness.

I can employ you, if you know what I mean.
I'd really like to be able to say "I hold little children in the swimming pool", but I'm not employed in that capacity right now. Hopefully over the holidays I'll begin it again.
If the police don't catch you first, child-killer.
I don't think that's likely, since technically I'm still fully qualified. I just haven't done it for a while and don't quite feel confident with the skillset anymore.
Sulkdodds, are you trying to say you have compassion for children, or that you rape them?
is it okay to be at a job for a year and get only a 15 cent raise?