[rant] Idiocy and anonymity on the internet [/rant]


Sep 13, 2003
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Underneath their public image, is everyone just a freaking 4-year old zombie chicken running around with their head cut off?

I thought I heard some lotr references in a led zeppelin song, so I did some research and sure enough, I wasn't imagining things. My discovery culminated in this great video of Ramble On set to The Hobbit.


But now look at the comments. My question is, what do people like that LOOK LIKE in real life? I imagine their tiny heads twisted into some cock-eyed knot, eyes bugging out and drool escaping from the cracks of their half-closed lips. And you see this all over youtube and everywhere else.

Is it a lack of self-esteem that drives people to this? Is it because people rely completely on how others see them to feel happy about themselves? Are they just stupid? Hateful? What is it?
i think people generally dont give a ****, those guys on the comment page sound like typical teenagers. anyway, i'm more annoyed with the complete utter stupidity that seems brought on by socially deprived people who religiously follow 4chan/somethingawful trends and constantly bring rape, buttsechs and lololpeniscake into every corner of the internet. it feels ****ing pointless for someone who doesn't devote all waking hours to those websites.
Youtube is full of morons. :|
The internet is filled with morons, but hey, that's what the net is all about - free speech.
I often used to wonder, in my net infancy, what was it about being on the internet that made people act like complete and utter tards. It was baffling to me because in any normal social setting, one generally tries to act in a manner that does not display such an open disregard for civility, manners, and people usually try to betray the fact that they have a command over the English language equivalent to or less than a five-year-old.

And then I realized, this is the internet. It needs no further explanation or discourse; that is the answer. One could talk about how it's anonymity and the presence of an audience available to hear whatever crap you have spilling out of your mouth. One could say that it's because, being the internet, people give less of a shit than they would in a real-life social setting, and thus think they have leeway to do or say whatever they please however they please; but while this might be the cause that makes up the answer it's easier just to say, "this is the internet." Welcome.

anyway, i'm more annoyed with the complete utter stupidity that seems brought on by socially deprived people who religiously follow 4chan/somethingawful trends and constantly bring rape, buttsechs and lololpeniscake into every corner of the internet. it feels ****ing pointless for someone who doesn't devote all waking hours to those websites.
I've said it countless times in the past, you know, but the originally channers weren't (aren't) responsible for that. I'm not one who generally likes to post blame on other people to save my own hide, but in this case, seriously, we old Anonymous hate that shit too.

Old rule was you keep 4chan a secret. You tell NO ONE. That's rules 1 and 2, fightclub style. But somebody told. Oh, somebody told and then that person told, and told another, and another, and another until you had this influx of people who don't know what 4chan's about and they think it's all, "lol hey this catchphrase is funny let me say it a lot on Gaia Online and put it on my Myspace page. Hey guys, have you heard of four chan dot org? You should go there it's really funny, lol."

The general internet populace shouldn't know a tenth of what comes out of 4chan, but thanks to a different breed of e-diot, you do. And it's not so much we wanted to keep 4chan secret like some little f'in kids hiding in their secret clubhouse and pulling up the rope ladder, it's because shit like this invariably happens when you add too many people into the mix. The whole thing gets dilluted and then spread around. And I'm sure the internet's getting tired of hearing stuff that comes out of 4chan's black maw these days; I know I always am when I see it anywhere BUT 4chan. I used to visit /b/ regularly, now I barely even go.

This post is getting long in the tooth, but Something Awful's like that too, y'know? Goons tend to be a little more open about their trends though, although you might not understand all of it unless you are a goon. And SA's got their actual website outside of the forum. Thankfully I haven't seen too many things from the SA forums leak out onto the interweb. Maybe that's because of the $10 you need to spend to get on the forum in the first place.
I'm tired of 4chan popping up everywhere too. It was kind of a small site to the side. Now it's a popular trash heap. I rarely go to /b/ anymore, like Darkside.
4Chan? I think you fellows are mistaken, you mean Ebaumsworld.
4Chan? I think you fellows are mistaken, you mean Ebaumsworld.
This worked for awhile. Now everyone knows, no one's fooled any more save for people on Chacha and this quote is just as sad as everything else that comes off of 4chan and makes its way into the rest of the internet.
This post is getting long in the tooth, but Something Awful's like that too, y'know? Goons tend to be a little more open about their trends though, although you might not understand all of it unless you are a goon. And SA's got their actual website outside of the forum. Thankfully I haven't seen too many things from the SA forums leak out onto the interweb. Maybe that's because of the $10 you need to spend to get on the forum in the first place.

SA is a beautiful, beautiful place. I mean, where else can you find threads about anthropomorphic airplanes fucking eachother?
I've considered coughing up the dough for an account at SA, but I don't want it to be something I join and then don't bother with after a month. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about paying to join a forum... Although I know I'm just denying my own geekiness. I pay monthly fees to play games, so I'm just being full of shit.
4chan hasn't been funny in years. It was awesome back in the day though.
Step 1 - Don't read youtube comments. Ever.

Step 2 -

Derailment much?

Ok, another question. Is the behavior of people on the internet in proportion with how people would like to act in real life? Or does the internet attract a strange sort of folk?
anyway I think that the internet doesn't attract random people, it attracts normal people and, with freedom of speech and anonymity, brings out both the best and worst.
I think we should be glad for that. Thank god that no one censors stupidity on the intertubes, because we all measure stupidity by different yardsticks.
Myspace, youtube, and the new 4chan are the cancer thats killing the internet. hl2.net is the savior of the internet.
Myspace, youtube, and the new 4chan are the cancer thats killing the internet. hl2.net is the savior of the internet.

hl2.net is the chemo of the internets...

What? It made MY hair fall out... ... ... I'm not using this website right, am I? :(
hl2.net is the chemo of the internets...

What? It made MY hair fall out... ... ... I'm not using this website right, am I? :(

I actually grew hair in all new places since i started coming here. Makes my eyeballs itch.
Dude, sinistar ****ing destroys.
I realize this is neither the time nor thread for this, but I just have to say that ever since I was a child I have nursed a lifelong hatred of Sinistar. One day, that bastard will pay for what he did to my little spaceship.

Oh, he will pay.

And back on topic, this is relevant:

HL2.net is a rose in a field of thorn bushes.

...unfortunately roses have thorns too.