Rant: Medieval 2


Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
I really like the game, but seriously... what's up with the developers? The game is basically made for American users;
  • It's impossible to patch the game if it isn't installed to PROGRAM FILES.
  • Only American users can download the game from Steam, and it applies to Rome as well.

I can't buy Kingdoms, as it's not appearing in stores here for a few months, and the Steam version is only buyable for American customers and it only works with Steam versions.


EDIT: And let's not forget how tauntingly easy it is to pirate the game.
I'm no longer going to pay for any Total War games until they start fixing problems that are fundamentally wrong with each release. It's like they create code, but they do it in such a way they don't know how to go in and change some aspects of the game logic that are ruining it for everybody, no matter how much time they are given, and no matter how many times they've promised to do it.
Total war is too easy tactically

and not engaging enough strategically.

shame really the difficulty hump is too obvious.