
I touch type about 90 wpm. I sometimes make mistakes but I fix them before going on to the next word. I can also enter numeric data with the numberpad at ridiculously high speeds but after about 10 minutes my wrists burn out. If you want to learn how to use numpad really well try playing Tontie for a day or two. Tell me if you get past level 11.

I learned to touch type fast when I was about 13 because I tried playing various MUDs for a few months. Nothing like typing trying to type "cast heal" 20 times a second to get your speed up to par.
I have to look at the numpad when using it. I'm not that advanced.
I can touch type without looking. In fact this whole message is being touch-typed without looking. realise there is no way I can prove this, but it's true. I swear to... well, not god, since I don't believe in him, but Buddha? Whatever. On my honour, that'll do. The only real problem I have is keyboard combos, like capital letters and stuff, and sometimes my fingers move to fast for me, throwing a whole sentance out of whack.
I rarely touch-type, cause there's too many mistakes for me to correct; all-in-all I type faster while glancing at the keyboard.

And, as opposed to Evo, I don't like laptop keyboards. Yeah, they feel nice while you're typing, but I often hit the wrong key, they're too close to each other.
Hey, Insano, I ain't seen you around here in a while. In fact, it were just the other day I were thinking 'funny, wonder where Insano, formerly Insane, went.'
I still visit this place daily and read almost all threads from top to bottom on "News and announcements" and here in Offtopic. The thing is that at some point I just stopped posting, and ever since I have just been reading.

But have no fear, Insano is still here ;)

I can't believe btw that you remember my name used to be Insane :D
I don't touch type and I don't look at the keyboard. Rather than relying on knowing where the keys are by your hands position I know where all the keys are. Makes typing in the dark incredibly easy without having to get your hands into position.

Hey no mistakes whilst typing this, go me!

I learned to touch type fast when I was about 13 because I tried playing various MUDs for a few months. Nothing like typing trying to type "cast heal" 20 times a second to get your speed up to par.

What mud where you playing?

20 cast heal.

I sort of touch type, in the sense that if I'm looking at the keys I find it harder to follow what I'm actually typing, and I usually know I've made a mistake without seeing it on the screen because I've just hit the wrong key.

I always touch type... I can't remember the last time I looked at the keyboard whilst typing. I thought that's how everyone did it. Just remember there's a notch on the f and the j so you know where to put your index fingers. Makes it easy.
touch type? are you people losing your FREAKIN minds? am I the only sick of stories about Xendance's friend? "OMGZ my friend HAS RED TEETH" .."OMG MY FRIEND CAN LEVITATE" "OMGERDZ I SAW MY FRIEND RESSURECT THE DEAD" "OMGZ I'M GOING TO KILLZ MY FRIEND CUZ HE'S AN IDIOT"

you should walk up to your friend and just start pummeling him for making you make threads about him ..then punch yourself for not making your threads entertaining enough for the rest of us ...ok I wont be so mean just next time try to tell us a story where you friend gets hurt ..like he falls down a flight of stairs or is hit by a streetcar ..I guarentee hilarity will ensue

I half touch type, I occasionally look like right ...now
How's that possible.

The 25,000 posts alone should be enough to warrant you the resident typist award.
Stern's so angry about Xendance. He shouldn't get himself so worked up about it. :P

This makes me feel fancy for being able to touch-type.
I touch type 99.99% of the time, and I usually spot errors and correct them fluidly as I'm doing so. I guess I've had a lot of practice :p

It really depends on if I care about being lazy or not, which is why sometimes I type like I am now and sometimes I disregard punctuation and capitalization completely.

I suppose this is touch typing. I never touch type anf huh weird. I seem to have made one mistake only whilst touch typing.

What I can't handle is those ergonomic keyboards. Some people in my office have them, and I'm a disaster on them. I feel embarrased even typing with them because I pride myself in being quite fast, but typing on those I feel like I'm in the 6th grade again.

Yes, I HATE those Ergonomics. They're so hard to use!
Touch typing is for the weak! Real men strike their keyboards. :p

OH! You mean typing while not looking at the keyboard. Yeah, I do that too. ;)
i took a typing class, best class ever...
I find that errors in touch typing come from pushing your speed, not because you 'forgot' where the keys are. If you type super slow and know where the keys are, you shouldn't make any mistakes. One of the guys at work can type super fast, but he makes a ton of errors. Every couple of keystrokes is the backspace but he's basically just got the backspace key down pat so his actual time to get a paragraph on paper (for example) is the same as someone who can actually type accurately going twice as fast as him.

QFT on the typing class - if you're still in high school and have the option to take this class, you'll be glad you did. When I took the class, we were one of the last few classes that used electric typewriters (not word processors). Meaning: if you want to center text (for example), you count the number of letters in your line (including spaces) and divide by two. Tab to the center of the page and backspace this number and start typing. Do this for every line. Center justify? Forget it. I remember getting my hands on my first word processor and it was like magic.
There are typing classes? In our school you're expected to be able to touch-type when you come in. Well, not expected, but everyone can.
I struggle to type with all 5 fingers on my left hand as my ring finger was severed once and is hence numb.
Pretty good at typing otherwise.

Ironically, this post was done on the Wii from in bed in about a minute cause I R LAZY.
if I get really used to a keyboard its not hard to type without looking, which I usually do after I use one for a year....
Wow, people still type while looking? That sounds like hell. I usually type while watching the monitor but I can talk to someone else while typing or watch tv etc. Its really second nature.

I suggest taking a typing class perhaps? You all probably type enough actually, just practice good typing posture, using the right fingers and not looking and the screen and such. It will come.