

Aug 6, 2004
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Well, yesterday a 24 year old man raped a 15 old girl few hundred meters from my place (city). Just before raping the girl he tried to rape a 16y old girl, but she got away.
Today i was discusing with my mom why are casual rapes so ofen nowdays. She belives that today girls dress to seductive (sexy) so as a joke i said "if we'd have muslim like robes none of this would happen". So what do you think, what is the main reason for such casual raping...would muslim robes change anything?
A part of me agrees..you? Besides, how many times have you thought "man, i'd like to bang her hard" when a really hot chick passes by?! :angel:

see what i mean?1
I personally think you've got to be pretty ****ed up mentally to rape a young girl. I mean there's a big difference between seeing a very attractive woman and thinking "I'd give her one" and actually doing it :O I know what you mean though.
jverne said:
Well, yesterday a 24 year old man raped a 15 old girl few hundred meters from my place (city). Just before raping the girl he tried to rape a 16y old girl, but she got away.
Today i was discusing with my mom why are casual rapes so ofen nowdays. She belives that today girls dress to seductive (sexy) so as a joke i said "if we'd have muslim like robes none of this would happen". So what do you think, what is the main reason for such casual raping...would muslim robes change anything?
A part of me agrees..you? Besides, how many times have you thought "man, i'd like to bang her hard" when a really hot chick passes by?! :angel:

see what i mean?1

You wouldn't believe how many 13-15 year olds try to hit on me, its rather disturbing if you ask me.
Besides, how many times have you thought "man, i'd like to bang her hard" when a really hot chick passes by?!
I'm pretty sure it's a given that every guy here has done / does this...

And i blaim the internet, more porn = more rape
You wouldn't believe how many 13-15 year olds try to hit on me, its rather disturbing if you ask me.

how old are you?
Your mother is obviously completely ignorant. Using that kind of reasoning, you could blame someone for being robbed because he or she was dressing too nicely. In reality, rape has nothing to do with love, attraction, or even sex. It's not the physical feeling that rapists like, it's the fact that they're essentially ruining another person that they live for. It's all psychological, and completely demented. Yet we (as a society) continue to actually lay blame on women for being raped. However, we have become more enlightened. In the 1800's, British women who had been raped were often tried and found guilty of "seduction". Still, we have a long way to go. Until we all see rapists for what they truly are, and understand that victims of rape are truly victims, we will be an injust society.

Also, we (straight men) all go "man, I'd like bang her hard" to ourselves when we see someone really hot. However, we don't think "man, I'd like to violate her ruthlessly, leaving her pregnant, reviled, and broken."
JNightshade said:
Your mother is obviously completely ignorant. Using that kind of reasoning, you could blame someone for being robbed because he or she was dressing too nicely. In reality, rape has nothing to do with love, attraction, or even sex. It's not the physical feeling that rapists like, it's the fact that they're essentially ruining another person that they live for. It's all psychological, and completely demented. Yet we (as a society) continue to actually lay blame on women for being raped. However, we have become more enlightened. In the 1800's, British women who had been raped were often tried and found guilty of "seduction". Still, we have a long way to go. Until we all see rapists for what they truly are, and understand that victims of rape are truly victims, we will be an injust society.

Also, we (straight men) all go "man, I'd like bang her hard" to ourselves when we see someone really hot. However, we don't think "man, I'd like to violate her ruthlessly, leaving her pregnant, reviled, and broken."

i understand, but if you had to chose something what would it be? btw, i'm not blaming women for being raped, but maybe that guy picked those girls because they were more appealing (small sexy clothes,...)?! a simple example- if we all had shitty worthles cars, would there by so many car thefts?
but i also strongly agreee with you, lunatics will be lunatics!
Ikerous said:
I'm pretty sure it's a given that every guy here has done / does this...

And i blaim the internet, more porn = more rape

It's not the internet's fault, thats like saying some kid shooting his friend is all the fault of Doom3.

@ the original poster. Wrapping girls up in robes wont stop things like this, women in countries that dress like that are attacked and raped just as often, we just don't hear about it so much.


Granted children do dress older than they are, but even so, they aren't asking to be raped by dressing like that. They're dressing like that to fit in, because thats what the media, celebrity and their peers make them think is the right thing to do. The problem is squarely with the person who goes out and does these things, obviously something isn't working right in the brain.
What the hell is 'casual' rape? Is that opposed to the more formal type?

Anyway I don't think you have to dress sexfully, these guys have an extra Y-chromosone or something, I suspect they'd take anything if a woman wasn't around. Maybe they find the more seductive types preferential, but since we're not really familiar with this (warped) kind of mind, it is easy to speculate, but difficult to reach an actual conclusion.
Any criminal psychologists on the forums?

Best we can do is issue more attack alarms for deterance, and remove dark alleys from cities.

Or chastity belts for you medieval types.

if we all had shitty worthles cars, would there by so many car thefts?

Yes, because they are less frequently secured than the nice cars. And sometimes they just rob for what's inside.
The Dark Elf said:
It's not the internet's fault, thats like saying some kid shooting his friend is all the fault of Doom3.
I was merely making a cavelier observation
But is it really that preposterous to think that pornographic images play a role in the explosion of rapes in the last half century?

At least according to my psych book this would be the cause for it. But then again, what do PhDs know?
People dont get raped based on what there wearing. Your mother is an idiot.
Ritz said:
People dont get raped based on what there wearing. Your mother is an idiot.

Sry :( I couldn't help but to point out the irony...
Ritz said:
People dont get raped based on what there wearing. Your mother is an idiot.

hey i know shes smoetimes strange, but leave my mom out..OK?!

just for the record...**** you...

casual as in not like rape during war or a planned kidnapping...casual like on the street or in a dark alley!
Ikerous said:
At least according to my psych book this would be the cause for it. But then again, what do PhDs know?

I wouldn't rely _too_ heavily on phD's if I were you heh.

Besides, saying net porn is to blame is saying anyone who looks at lots of porn is a potential rapist simply for looking at it, hows that work then? lol subliminal messages perhaps? No, lets stop being silly and realise its the INDIVIDUAL that is to blame for such actions, not the kind of picture they look at. What about all those people who don't look at such things, that go on to do these things.
jverne said:
So what do you think, what is the main reason for such casual raping...would muslim robes change anything?
A part of me agrees..you? Besides, how many times have you thought "man, i'd like to bang her hard" when a really hot chick passes by?! :angel:
I think it's all relative. These supposedly more "modest" cultures don't necessarily have lower rape rates. In fact, under such circumstances, people can be even more sexually frustrated.

Although it's worth pointing out that rape is far more about a sensation of power than it is about genuine sexual gratification.

Ikerous said:
And i blaim the internet, more porn = more rape
One of the defenses of pornography is that it can "aid" men to reduce their sexual frustration without resorting to rape, apprently. Although I've heard that the proliferation of internet cafes in India (and the resulting viewing of otherwise illegal pornography) is degrading a lot of men's views of women as sex objects. So obviously the matter is open to interpretation.
Also when you say rapes in Muslim countries is down you can't just put it down to the robes, you've gotta remember most Muslim countries have harsh justice systems, and they enjoy cutting off offending parts of the anatomy if a crime is commited :eek:
Lol, i merely presume that if a a large of people that have spent their lives study sociology come to a concensus, then they most likely have some pretty good reasoning behind it.

And obviously its the individuals fault, no one would say it isn't. They're merely explaining why the number of rapes has sky rocketed in the past fifty years, and through research (Which they cited, and other reasoning , but i'm far too lazy to get my book out and read it again XD) they conclude it coorelates to the increase of of home R or X rated material viewing.
Perhaps the increase in rape over the last few decades has to do with the slightly freer attitudes to sex, thus people feel more obliged to have sex, thus if they can't get it...

Or if it's a power thing, then perhaps it's to do with a decrease in old ideals of male "superiority" and it's some terribly sick and twisted way of reclaiming a lost masculinity?

It's tough to say. All I know is that I wouldn't mind ten minutes alone with a rapist in a room with no windows and a glass bottle. Well...
jverne said:
just for the record...**** you...

Cry me a river. If you cant handle someone calling you or your mom an idiot, grow up.

It does'nt make a bloody difference in what the person getting raped is wearing. Im sure the first thing in the persons mind as they go to rape someone is "I dont think that top matchs those jeans".
Ritz said:
Cry me a river. If you cant handle someone calling you or your mom an idiot, grow up.

It does'nt make a bloody difference in what the person getting raped is wearing. Im sure the first thing in the persons mind as they go to rape someone is "I dont think that top matchs those jeans".

well he could be a lazy rapist, and go after mini skirts
This may have already been said but I think there hasn't really been all that much of an increase in the number of rape cases at all. Today they are simply publicised much more often and there are alot more women now that are willing to report that they were raped. I suspect in the past women kept quiet most of the time.

If there is however a significant increase in the number of rapes then I believe it will be because of the added publicity, people who have the capacity to commit rape are more likely to do it now becuase they see it happens all the time. They also see that alot of the time rapists get away with what they do.
Revisedsoul said:
well he could be a lazy rapist, and go after mini skirts
You're not a funny person.

The Mullinator said:
This may have already been said but I think there hasn't really been all that much of an increase in the number of rape cases at all. Today they are simply publicised much more often and there are alot more women now that are willing to report that they were raped. I suspect in the past women kept quiet most of the time.
You probably have a point. There was a point where rape wasn't "acceptable" as such, but it was more taboo and possibly considered less abhorrent as it obviously is.
There's the few cases where women have framed men for rape. I can think of few things worse in life.
Just to reply to the first post...

I don't think its just a problem with the women. Ok, maybe a lot of them "Put out" more than they should. But a lot of men have grown up in unders feminist mothers and ideals, and its just made them go crazy. Its not politically correct to be a man anymore, and if you do go for any of the ladish things in life, then you're either heavily patronised and ousted. So a lot of men rebel, or freak out. They just can't handle society...

I'd never rape a women, I wouldn't even contemplate it, but frankly..I understand the mind set of some of these people. Not only can they not handle the way society is, but they're so desperate that they can't think properly, and their basic intincts take over. Its like stealing to feed yourself and your family...sexual urges are almost as strong, at least in men, largely because of their testosterone.
A lot of them are just plain sick though.

El chi...I despise those women who try to frame men for rape. To be accused of such an act, would destroy a man. I can't imagine being called a rapist...It'd be on the same level as murder. At elast for some people. I know a girl who was raped, and it really did take her life away from her. Afterwards, she wasn't the same person and it makes me so angry. But to be falsely accused...
You have to understand...
rape isn't the overwhelming need to get some. Rather, it is the desire to see someone suffer. Rapists are, by default, sick. People who are completely sexually repressed, but otherwise normal, don't become rapists. And what about pedophilia? I haven't heard anyone accusing all those altarboys of dressing provocatively, or of 8 year old girls "inviting" rape. The reason the Catholic Church had so many perverted priests was not that they were sexually frustrated... rather, it was likely that they went into the Church to "make up" for their confusion. Ex-NJ governor James E. McGreevey says that he became an altarboy for the exact same reasons.

Ok... back on track. What I'm trying to say is, rape is about as far from sex as humanly possible.

Oh, and yes, your mother is an utter fool. If you can't take it, get the **** out of this topic and think about exactly what she's saying.
There aren't that many catholic peadophiles you know...Its just that there are realaively small amount that have been heavily publisised.
Farrowlesparrow said:
There aren't that many catholic peadophiles you know...Its just that there are realaively small amount that have been heavily publisised.
That said, and not that I'd dream of casting unfounded aspertions on the Catholic clergy, the proportion of priests convicted of paedophilia seems rather disproportionate to that of the rest of the population.
it's true, there aren't that many. I just wanted to say that I'm pretty sure the disproportionate number isn't due to sexual frustration or anything like that.
this is ironic, i thought the topic name was Rapel, and the first thing that came to my mind was "repel"
It is no way a girl's fault for dressing seductively and getting raped.

But it can be prevented though, by doing that less. Don't get me wrong, not her fault at all.

But it's sort of like leaving your car in the parking lot with the door unlocked. Bad to compare like that but I hope it illustrates what I'm saying better.

Harsher penalties for rapists would help though. Death sentences/life should be used in certain instances. We also should castrate/[place on hormones/what have you sex offenders convicted of violent rape.
I also first thought the topic was "Rapel" So reading the last psot was weird..

el Chi said:
That said, and not that I'd dream of casting unfounded aspertions on the Catholic clergy, the proportion of priests convicted of paedophilia seems rather disproportionate to that of the rest of the population.

Sorry for the discontinuity of my post, but St P's say ahs left me rather out of it :D

I know what you mean. But when you hear that something like 15% of those people accused are convicted, it starts to make a little more sense. High profile cases are...well, just that, high porofile. You don't hear about most rape cases, because its no "news worthy". The news doesn't report everything, it only reports what will get ratings....its a sad state of affairs, but its the way it is.

Still, I won't deny, that a life of celibacy will make things difficult. I don't however think, that they join the clergy because they're confused.

Frankly I think sec offenders should be put away for life...as should murderers. You take a life, then the consequence should be that you give up yours...not by diying but by living it out in prison.
Ikerous said:
I'm pretty sure it's a given that every guy here has done / does this...

And i blaim the internet, more porn = more rape

Let me guess, you also think that every bit of violence t hat happens is video games fault right?
I don't agree 100% with Ikerous, but I know there is some truth to what he's said.

Exposing people to these things doesn't do any good. Maybe the majority of us will be...relatively unafected by all the violence, but there will be that exception that does get affected. That does go out and mimics what they've seen...
RakuraiTenjin said:
Harsher penalties for rapists would help though. Death sentences/life should be used in certain instances. We also should castrate/[place on hormones/what have you sex offenders convicted of violent rape.
But then we get into the age old debate of whether penalties are punishments, deterrants or - one would desperately hope - redemptive techniques. Obviously the last choice is optimistic, to say the least. As for the other two?
I'm not so sure that half-way through the no-doubt adrenaline-fuelled violent act of rape the rapist has a sudden change of heart based of the possible consequences. Nor do I think that potential rapists generally contemplate that all too much before their attack.
I'm also not sure what to make of your "alternative" punishments. Castration, etc. is a horrible idea - not that rape is in the slightest conceivable way defensible - but it essentially equates with the idea of cutting someone's hands off for stealing something. This happens in other countries and most of us snort derisively at that idea of eye-for-an-eye justice as brutish or backwards, etc. As such, I wonder how applicable such ideas are in our supposedly more "enlightened" judicial systems.
Also, it carries the whole problem with the death penalty in that castration is, as far as I am aware, a fairly irreversible procedure (although I'm willing to be corrected). It's disgusting, but people do get wrongly/falsely accused and convicted of rape and so if they were later found to be innocent, what do you then do? Give them back their bollocks in a jar with a "Sorry" note from the prison warden?
A tricky business.

Farrowlesparrow said:
Sorry for the discontinuity of my post, but St P's say ahs left me rather out of it :D
It's ok - you'll be on the coming-out-of-the-closet warpath extravaganza any minute! I can hardly wait :naughty:

Farrowlesparrow said:
But when you hear that something like 15% of those people accused are convicted, it starts to make a little more sense. High profile cases are...well, just that, high porofile. You don't hear about most rape cases, because its no "news worthy". The news doesn't report everything, it only reports what will get ratings....its a sad state of affairs, but its the way it is.

Still, I won't deny, that a life of celibacy will make things difficult. I don't however think, that they join the clergy because they're confused.
Very good points. If it bleeds, it leads, as the old adage goes. If it's a rape case, it'd better be damn good if it's going on the front page. Even so, it's still interesting to see what would seem to be a rather disproportionate figure.

Farrowlesparrow said:
Frankly I think sec offenders should be put away for life...as should murderers. You take a life, then the consequence should be that you give up yours...not by diying but by living it out in prison.
I've been told on more than a few occasions that rape is almost worse than murder. It f*cks up your relationships (both sexual and platonic) with men - presuming you were raped by a man - for a very very long time. Understandably so.
I agree that a "life sentence" for murder really ought to be that. Or at least more than 20 years. 20 years is an extremely long time, but it's not quite "life".
Although it depends to an extent on how genuinely remorseful the person seems. Because that's the easiest thing in the world to judge, of course.
el Chi said:
You're not a funny person.

i wasnt trying to be funny, i was proving a point. If there were two women, standing in a park. One was wearing a mini skirt and one was wearing a tight pair of jeans, he would go for the one that would take less of a struggle. that is if he wanst stalking the other one and was only interested in her. Rapist are cowards and will usually go for the weaker target.