Rarr! Jack Thompson and videogames = killing.


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Because americans just can't except the fact that humanity is stupid.


Meet Jack Thompson. He is an anti-game advocate. He thinks everything that has ever been to do with guns is related to videogames. Obviously the Colombine Shooting was related to guns, not bowling (Michael Moore at his finest, personally). Obviously carjacking is inspired by GTA3. Obviously when entire wars are entered into, when planes are flown into towers, it is related to a game (rather unfortunantly, that one was). There is apparently a gang out there that trains people how to carjack by playing GTAIII. let me get this straight - people can carjack cars by pressing the triangle button?

Not to mention the horrible atrocioties of life and death caused long before anyone invented Pong.

Jeez, these people make me mad. It's not allowed to point out the fact that guns kill people, but it's ok to say videogames kill people....

thank god all the 17 and 26 year olds that game today can become congressmen and change any law that occurs now
Theres another one of those by Tim Buckley(ctrl+alt+del) And he gives real answers without completely avoiding the question :p

Points of interest
Is gaming escapism?

Yes, just as Ted Bundy escaped into pornography. It is not a release of aggression. It is training for aggression.
/me slaps Jack Thompson with a trout

Does age or sex play a factor in violent, aggressive behavior?

Sure, the sex and violence centers of the brain overlay one another, which is why the increasing mix of sex and violence is troubling. Armies have been known to go on rape rampages after battles because the violence stimulates sexual aggression. How lovely that GTA weds sex and violence in the same game. We are training a generation of teens to combine sex with violence, just what America needs.
He completely missed the point of the question :p
Ohh wait..no it dont infact......COMPUTER GAMES WERN'T AROUND.

Games let kids live... So instead of actually going and killing real live people they can go out and kill harmless polygons.
Overall, the amount of deaths caused JUST BY video games ALONE are probably two, maybe less, and even those two were the results of someone being crazy.

Yeah, what ever happened to that anyway? Just being insane? Now days the reason little johnny stabbed someone with a fork and laughed was based upon that violent video game he played twice in his life for less than an hour at his friends house. Not because little johnny is crazy, oh no.

Bah. I could go on for hours. Better leave now.
dart321 said:
Overall, the amount of deaths caused JUST BY video games ALONE are probably two, maybe less, and even those two were the results of someone being crazy.

Yeah, what ever happened to that anyway? Just being insane? Now days the reason little johnny stabbed someone with a fork and laughed was based upon that violent video game he played twice in his life for less than an hour at his friends house. Not because little johnny is crazy, oh no.

Bah. I could go on for hours. Better leave now.
There are quite a few deaths that were caused by people who were insane and blamed it on video games.
hmm , i like playing shooting games, and im not by my computor right now, hey why shudnt i buy a gun and start shooting people for real. :/

Violent games don't make people violent, f*cking retarded twats like him make people violent. Off with his head I say.
PvtRyan said:
Violent games don't make people violent, f*cking retarded twats like him make people violent. Off with his head I say.
all gamers are violent! Lock them all up! Racism is bad too, who can I sue for that?
Foxtrot said:
There are quite a few deaths that were caused by people who were insane and blamed it on video games.
That's only because people like shifting blame. he was saying only about 2 were actually the fault of games :p
Guns don't kill people

Video games don't kill people

People kill people

Maybe they should raise the mature rating of games to 18.

I personally think they should ban smoking... damnit. fires one up... :smoking:

raise the age required to drive to 18 or more

but don't worry, im not in charge
VirusType2 said:
Guns don't kill people

So wait. A weapon which is defined as...

noun [C]
any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, sword, etc:
a lethal weapon
chemical/nuclear/biological weapons
The youths were dragged from their car and searched for weapons.

doesn't kill people? And don't argue the whole "Oh its the Person using the gun!" the gun is designed to blow bloody chunks through things. People don't go "Hey! I'll make something that fires a ball at a really fast speed because I feel a little wierd today!"

The gun was designed to kill people. Therefore it is the gun that kills someone.
Venmoch said:
The gun was designed to kill people. Therefore it is the gun that kills someone.

Who designed the gun?
To do what?
So who kills people?

Simple logic. You can't argue with that. People have been aggressive towards each other since our sort climbed out of the trees, three million years ago. We have been killing each other since with our bare hands, sticks, swords, guns, and prolly nifty laser blasters in the future. That's not something that comes from outside factors like video-games (or rock 'n' roll or atheism or whatever), but from ourselves. It's innate.
Foxtrot said:
There are quite a few deaths that were caused by people who were insane and blamed it on video games.

And the testimony of someone who is deemed to be insane should be taken at face value because...?
Zerimski said:
And the testimony of someone who is deemed to be insane should be taken at face value because...?
"Because it's clear that the violent acts that were a direct result of videogames, are a direct contributor to the aggressor's insanity, which caused him to perform said violent acts."

There's some politician logic for you. Not an actual quote, but I'm sure some of them are thinking that.
he is one of that persons that should blame parents that let kids play videogames whit a rating that say "+18" and not the videogame

this is like someone blaming the beer to be bad for people when the beer companyes make propagando telling that alcohol in excess is dangerous

get my point?
<RJMC> said:
he is one of that persons that should blame parents that let kids play videogames whit a rating that say "+18" and not the videogame

this is like someone blaming the beer to be bad for people when the beer companyes make propagando telling that alcohol in excess is dangerous

get my point?

Very much so :D