Rate the Avatar of the Person Who Posted Above You

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9/10 -- it's just Krynn.

Hoping photoshop did a better job of resizing.

I think here would be the time to stop.
Tis pretty. 8/10

Be kind, mines new.

Wahay, a decent score, finally. I recommend colour to your new avatar.

7/10 -- it's still a goomba, but it took me a while to get.

Bugger you, Que:

-6/10 for your ninja-post.

I like van halen but at this distance it looks like a metallic vagina.
I thought it was a walrus throwing up.
Ah well might as well rate again, give it the same score thus doubling it to 16/10

then what is it?

Also, facepalm is not a meme. It's a way of life.
Screw you Acepilot this is how I feel all the time.

Not like ASHLEY is any better.

(though she is. :/)

Anyway, 8/10 for the Chocolate Bunny!

/EDIT Fark I've already rated Highlander's!
Your mother is any better.
facepalm is in a bit of a down right now, so I would buy buy buy.
But you got that avatar when the stock was high, so it's full of fail.

Not cus I really dislike the avatar the avatar, just to spite you for the above post.

Edit: Damnit, Bad^Hat! Stealing my moment...

0/10 for stealing my moment.
Gay. Just gay. Doesn't deserve a rating. Plus -5 to whatever rating you're given for showing disrespect.
You all suck.
5/10 to GB's (-5)
And 0/10 to KM for being him.
Which brings your average down to 5/10

And it's not a contest.
Decent pixellated Engineer shooting shite.

The avatar seems to match perfectly with all Jintor's posts for some reason.
0 / 10

Come on. Christmas was soooo last year.
Can't wait until Christmas. Ook!
6/10 -- waiting for a change

And ffs, Krynn, is that any better?!
Meh. Changed, and I don't like it.
4/10 -- It doesn't look particularly enthralling.

And screw you, HL2.net

Its so...simple, yet I could stare for hours. Also beats the old one.
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