Rate the Avatar/Signature of the Person Above You!

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Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
Simple game, give a 1-10 rating of the Avatar and Signature that posted last. Include a short review if possible.
SCIENCE! is always great, albeit it's a bit small


inb4 FURRY
User: Vegeta897

Avatar: 7/10. You're thinking with the humping gif. I like that.

Sig: Random quotes, links leading to other threads, and colorful text warrants a 7/10.
Scary, rich and funny


also this is cool looking
reminds me of the gif of the guys with marioish mustashios.

dont get the joke in the sig.

Two consoles that I don't have strong feelings for, one of which that has shit for games. And a superfluous ID sig that also is placed in the User info...

Hate the smurfs, but yet unresolved attraction to the one with the glasses.

And for Ktimekiller:

A highly abused avatar which is always featured in any forum, yet I still like it regardless.
Unsure about what the signature means but I would agree with the picture... 3 years ago.
Naph's sig is cruel, which goes a long way in my book, so points for that. Prince John was a big baby, but the look he gives at the end of the gif (that hasn't always been animated, has it? Did you just do that recently?) makes me smile, so he gets a 7/10.
Did you ever make those videos. I seem to remember that was months and months ago.

Anyways, 9/10 because that's a cute quote.
I absolutely love Darkside's avatar. 7/10.

Sig quote is evil, which is cool. 9/10
Tacoeaterguy - n/a 10

A Potter fan and no signature...in time you will become accomodated to our ways! mwaha
Dynasty - 10/10

****ing Castle Crashers god damn. Also a signature with some Bioshock quote in it GOD DAMN.
Dynasty - 10/10

****ing Castle Crashers god damn. Also a signature with some Bioshock quote in it GOD DAMN.

Well, he's an asshole. He's a ****ing jerk. He can suck the dick.

I love him.


He r0x0rz my c0x0rz.

I don't care for his signature much.
avatar: ugly as hell
sig: it's okay
Avatar could do with being zoomed in a bit more but otherwise good. Sig is alright.

Avatar 5/10, I don't know what it is

Sig - 3/10 pretty distasteful.
Avatar 7/10 - tis pretty cool

Sig 0/10 - linking to 'fads' or 'events' is a big no no for me :)
Sheeps are great. For looking at and shagging. It's also good to roast and eat their kids with potatoes, veg and gravy. Santa hats in summer = 5 point bonus. Instantly recognisable as Evo. Don't like sigs full stop and never click on links in them.

av - 8/10 + 5
(that hasn't always been animated, has it? Did you just do that recently?)

Yeah quite recent.

Avatar reminds me of Gmod which is a good thing. Yet it also reminds me of the numerous times that those mines had scared me shitless during the game.

tbh, Naph avatar: 6/10
it just isn't to my liking. That says nothing about the person though. :)

naph sig: Meh/10
nice drawings though. :)
Hello yes it is I Christopher Mark Dawson (no other!) and I am posting in this thread to prove that my avatar, laboriously handcrafted by none other than the lovely T. West, is of the finest quality and far superior to other, lesser avatars.

Once again I assure you that this is indeed Christopher Mark Dawson and not T. West posting with his account, as that would be a lowly and dishonorable thing for a young lady to do!

As a matter of courtesy I find myself pressed to provide a numerical evaluation of the above gentleman's avatar; I will deem it as high as four out of ten and a fine job at that, sir.

Good day to you!
your avatar scares me in that i think i'm going to have a seizure every time you post.
I still have no damn idea what the hell yours is.
I think of it as a turtle with a fancy royalty-type collar.
Avatar nice, but too simple, nothing to it, which in a way, is good 7/10

Nice colours in Sig. 9/10
Avatar - Blue Obama is actually kind of cool. 6/10

Siggie - Classic Samon; grammatical failure; link to myminicity; I rate this 8/10, would be much better without the myminicity link.
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